100 Days of Code: Day 14

Danielle Moss
1 min readOct 17, 2016


I’m exhausted but I got a ton of coding done.

I’ve made some headway with my styling for my weather app. It’s starting to come together but I have some work to do for the details. Plus I’m in media query hell. I can’t stand media queries. They’re a necessary evil at this point but my god they’re annoying!

Also got a ton done for the Anime USA site today. We had our last meeting before the convention, so it was crazy busy for me today making updates to WordPress so our schedule, panel descriptions, etc showed up correctly. Had to go back over a few things but we’re good now.

I definitely went over my normal coding threshold today. I took breaks but I’m worn out. So I’m going to grab a book and rest my mind so I’m ready for the work day tomorrow.

Stay classy everyone and code on!



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.