100 Days of Code: Day 23

Danielle Moss
1 min readJul 20, 2016


Today, I did some more editing of the portfolio site and updated the Anime USA website. If I haven’t mentioned it, I’m the web master of an anime convention held in Washington, DC around October. I was an assistant web master for a little over a year and was promoted to web master following the end of the 2015 convention.

I’ve given myself the title of High Queen Web Mistress, and actually have this in my signature. I only use it for emails between staffers, and make sure to put Web Master if I need to talk to a guest or someone else really important.

So not too much going on today. I’m really exhausted from the lack of AC last night, which made sleeping near impossible due to Virginia summer heat. Here’s hoping we don’t have another repeat of last night’s silliness. I’m a little disappointed since I really wanted to get started on the FreeCodeCamp JSON and APIs section, but I don’t want to start something I won’t be able to fully digest until I’m rested. And I’ve learned the hard way not to code while tired and I don’t want to repeat that, thanks.



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.