100 Days of Code: Day 50–52

Danielle Moss
2 min readMar 11, 2018


Day 50–51: I didn’t code for these two days, mostly because I was a pretty busy bee. I finally figured out how to get up the stairs in my house, which led to being able to take a shower, and not a sponge bath, for the first time in a little over 2 weeks. It was glorious! Also, the trash bag cover for my foot cast/splint didn’t really help that much, and got a lot of water on the floor. But I was able to find a local place that was able to provide a cover that does work, so showers are back fam! And I was able to go out and have lunch with my family for the first time since my surgery so that was pretty awesome too! But overall, it was a good two days. I wasn’t able to get any coding done, but I’d have to say I was pretty productive for a temporarily one-legged person. ^_^

My hard work for the day. Took forever to get to this point so I’m happy.

Day 52: I worked on the Coffee Shop App. Mostly trying to get the styles right. It’s been a pain since I forgot how the template is set up. Trouble is I needed to remember how Mustache.js worked with the template area. But I finally got it set up the way I think I want it to be — or at least the best way I can get the template to finally work with a decent layout. Like I said, it wasn’t the CSS that I had the problem with but with how the template was being rendered in Mustache. I still need to go over my notes and figure out what’s going on with my buttons since only two of them work — the Add Order button and the Edit Order Button. Remove Order and Save and Cancel Edit aren’t working at all and I have no idea why at the moment. But something for tomorrow.

And that’s it for me tonight awesome people. As always, stay classy and code on!

Update: I ended up working some more on the app. I edited the store menu and merged the weekly specials to the regular menu by creating 3 unstyled lists with headings for each section. I also added in a fixed footer with a copyright for this year (2018) in bold with the same background color as the site header.



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.