100 Days of Unity3D: Day 40–41

Danielle Moss
3 min readAug 11, 2018
Yay! Another finished game!

It took me a day of researching different infinite runner tutorials to realize what I was really looking for — tutorials that worked in the UPDATED versions of Unity (ex: Unity 2017, Unity 2018).

Most of the tutorials were for when Unity made the big leap to version 5, and a lot of that code doesn’t work well or has to be modified so it does work. Since I feel like I’ve had to start over from scratch with Unity since I stopped using it around the beginning of version 4, I have no idea how to modify older code, let alone how to get it to work in Unity 2017/2018.

So in my search for an updated tutorial, I got frustrated and went to Amazon and plugged in “unity infinite runner game” in the search not expecting to find much of anything or more tutorials for older versions of Unity. Imagine my surprise when I found this beauty:

Title: A Quick Guide to 2D Infinite Runners with Unity

Author: Patrick Felicia

Price (Kindle): $1.99

Description (from Amazon):

In this book entitled A Quick Guide to 2d Infinite Runners with Unity, you will discover how to create a simple infinite (or endless) runner using simple techniques, and built-in shape primitives and include common features found in 2D infinite runners using a hands-on approach where you learn and practice as you go.

Yes, you read that correctly — the price of the book is $1.99 for the Kindle. And since I have a Kindle Fire I jumped on this deal in fear the price was wrong and it would change to $12.99 or $19.99 during the day.

This is a really short book, but does exactly what it says: shows you how to make a 2D Infinite Runner game. And I was able to work through the entire book in less than 1 hour.

It does go over a lot of concepts I already knew, but it does show me how to make the game in the most current version of Unity without too many frills or addons.

I’m hoping to be able to take what I learned from this book and apply it towards making a 3D Infinite Runner. I still want to have my Ludum Dare game from a few years back work.

Funny how I’m working on a past Ludum Dare game on the same weekend as the current Ludum Dare. I wish everyone that’s participating this year good luck with their games.

I may try to join in on the fun at the next Ludum Dare in December (I think it’s December…), but for now, I still have a ways to go to figuring out Unity 2018.



Danielle Moss

Finding myself through process of elimination and lots of error codes, eventually getting all the wrong pieces right.