The Articles
3 min readSep 14, 2018



A Decentralized
Peer-To-Peer Internet Sharing Network

Dove Network allows you to connect to the Internet and monetize internet capacity anywhere, anytime with the push of a button


Dove Network seeks to bring affordable internet access to the world by allowing peers to trade their unused data capacity.

This is all possible with Blockchain technology and mesh networks. Dove’s blockchain powered application uses a peer-to-peer network to allow people and Wi-Fi enabled devices to seamlessly trade unused data capacity anonymously and automatically.

Our Blockchain enabled back-end applications are securely developed for devices. Some of these applications include:

  1. Do Protocol (Data Transmission)
  2. Smart Algorithm (AI Powered)
  3. Trade Engine
  4. Consensus Engine


Blockchain + AI + Mesh Network

When the internet becomes a tradeable commodity, not only do individuals benefit from monetization, but it also opens the doors for businesses and governments to increase connectivity with their people and customers.

  1. Individuals Opportunities for hundreds of millions, even billions, of people to start trading data and earning extra money by setting up Dove hotspots in remote areas.
  2. Businesses Most businesses are not using their data plans during non-business hours. With Dove, businesses can sell their unused data to cut down on costs.
  3. Governments want to increase Internet accessibility. With Dove, there will be increased Internet connectivity resulting in more economic growth.


How it Works

Dove utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to bring decentralized, peer-to-peer Internet data sharing over a mesh network. Now you can connect to the Internet anywhere, anytime with the push of a button.

Now you can buy, sell, donate, exchange, or borrow excess Internet data with your mobile, home, or office device. Just pick your plan details and Dove Network takes care of the rest.

How To Buy Data?

Buying Internet from the Dove decentralized data marketplace is easy. Simply install the Dove application on your mobile, tablet, or desktop and pick your plan.

Buy Data Anywhere, Anytime.

Buying additional data for simple things like checking emails or streaming videos just got easier!

  1. Install The Dove App Install the Dove application on your mobile, desktop or tablet. Available for IOS, Andriod, and Windows Phone.
  2. Configure Your Plan Configure and customize the data plan that you want to buy. Choose your plans speed, cost, time, location, and bandwidth.
  3. Connect To The Internet That’s it! Your device automatically connects to available Dove Network hotspots to give you top quality Internet.

How To Sell Data?

Selling your excess data in the decentralized marketplace is easy. Simply install the Dove application on your mobile, tablet, or desktop and configure your plan. You can also sell surplus Internet data by setting up a Dove WiFi router.

How To Exchange Data Capacity?

Trading and monetizing internet capacity with the Dove application is simple. Just install the Dove application on a mobile device or any Wi-Fi enabled device and set up your plan.

  1. Install The Dove App
  2. Import Or Create A Wallet
  3. Configure Your AI Powered Plan
  4. Connect With The Push Of A Button

The Future Of Dove Is In Your Hands!

Dove Network is open source. Now you can contribute to suit your needs, make Dove Network better, and bring the Internet to everyone, everywhere.

