Risk factors Curaizon™

The Articles
6 min readSep 17, 2018


The purchase of CuraToken™ (“CTKN”) tokens (hereinafter referred to as the “Token” or “Tokens”) may be associated with a high degree of risk. To protect the interests of Token’s potential purchasers, the Curaizon™ team conducted an analysis of such potential risks and outlined the result of this analysis in this chapter of the White Paper.


These risks can materialize in other forms of risk than those specified here. Prior to acquiring Tokens, each potential Token purchaser is advised to carefully review all the information and assess the risks of such purchase, including but not limited to, the risks set forth in this White Paper and to decide upon purchase of Tokens based on such assessment.

Technical and technological risks

Risks of the blockchain

Tokens are released on Ethereum blockchain. In this regard, any malfunctions of the Ethereum protocol may lead to a restriction in the use of Tokens, and/or to the fact that Tokens or the platform will function in an unforeseen manner.

Risk of hacker attacks on the platform, smart contracts, or Tokens

Tokens can be expropriated and/or stolen, by hacking Tokens, or otherwise. Hackers or other groups or organizations may attempt to intervene in a smart contractor Tokens in various ways, including, but not limited to, virus attacks, DDOS attacks, concerted attacks, network attacks, and denial of service attacks, and others. In addition, since the Ethereum platform is based on open source software, there is a risk that Ethereum smart contracts may contain intentional or unintentional errors or shortcomings that could adversely affect Tokens or lead to loss of Tokens, or loss of access or control Tokens. In the event of such an error or weakness of the software, there can be no remedy, and tokens owners are not guaranteed any compensation or compensation.

Risk of hacker attacks on the computer of the token holder, or loss of passwords / of private keys.

Purchased Tokens can be stored by the token holder in her\his\its digital wallet or safe, for which a password, a digital key or a combination of digital keys is required. Accordingly, the loss of the necessary keys associated with such digital wallet or safe can lead to loss of access to Tokens. In addition, any third party that gets access to such passwords and/or private keys (by way of getting (through hacking, or negligence of token holder) access to login credentials of token holders’ hosting-wallet, or otherwise), will be able to use Tokens of the token holder. Curaizon™ assumes no liability for such losses.

Risk of using new technologies, and changes in technology in the future.

Tokens and blockchain are fairly new and relatvely untested technologies. Although at the moment they have largely proven their efficiency, reliability, and security, there is no guarantee that in future these technologies do not fail in any way. Further, as technological progress develops, flaws can be found in these technologies, which flaws will prevent their functioning in the way that they function at the moment. Finally, there is no guarantee that these technologies will be compatible with any new technologies invented in the future. In the event of such incompatibility, use of Tokens and blockchain can be found unreasonable and stopped.

Risk of incompatibility of the crypto wallet service

An electronic crypto wallet or wallet service provider that token holder has chosen \ will choose for obtaining and storing Tokens, must be technically compatible with Tokens. Failure to comply with this condition may lead to the fact that the token holder will not be able to get access to her\his\its Tokens. Token holders must independently determine the fact of the compatibility of the crypto wallet she\he\it registered, with the Tokens. Curaizon™ assumes no responsibility for any errors related to the wrong determination of the above fact.

Regulatory risks

Risk of regulatory uncertainty

Regulatory status of cryptographic tokens, digital assets, and blockchain technology, is unclear or not defined in many jurisdictions. It cannot be excluded that such technologies, and, in particular, Tokens, will in future become subject to one or more (adopted or new) interpretation of laws (or other regulations), court judgments, or actions by various regulatory bodies around the world, including, but not limited to, the imposition of restrictions on the use or possession of digital tokens, such as Tokens. Such changes can adversely affect Tokens in various ways, including, for example, by determining that Tokens are regulated financial instruments that require registration or compliance with other legal requirements and procedures. Curaizon™ may stop distributing Tokens, developing a platform or terminating operations in a particular jurisdiction if the actions of regulatory authorities of the relevant jurisdictions make it illegal or not commercially viable to proceed.

Risk of inability to obtain, maintain or renew licenses and permits

As of the date of Tokens sale, there are no statutory requirements requiring Curaizon™ to obtain any licenses and permits necessary for the sale of the Tokens, but the risk that such legislation requirements may be enacted in the future cannot be ruled out. In this event, the possibility of the sale and further use of Tokens will depend on the procedure of issuing such licenses and permits, and on compliance with their terms. We cannot exclude that requirements of the law will be technically or economically unachievable for Curaizon™. Curaizon™ may stop distribution of Tokens, develop a platform or terminate operations in a particular jurisdiction in the event of economic, technological or another inability to obtain the required licenses or permits under such jurisdiction.

Risk of governmental action

The industry of blocking and reversing tokens is new, and simply by virtue of novelty can be subject to increased supervision and regulatory control, including investigation or enforcement actions. There can be no guarantee that the government will not study the activities of the parties. All this can be investigated, which in turn can have a significant negative impact on Tokens and/or platform development.

Business risks

Risk of failure in development

It cannot be excluded that for various reasons, including but not limited to, for reasons of insolvency of business or technological strategies or business arrangements, technological problems, emergence of new technologies, etc., that the model that Curaizon™ developed and described in this White Paper, will not achieve the desired functionality, be inoperative, or work in a way different from what developers designed it for. Also, we cannot exclude the risk that for these or different reasons, development and implementation of the model can take longer than Curaizon™ predicts at the moment, and when the model is ready, it will appear to be outdated and\or irrelevant.

Risk of insufficient implementation

It cannot be excluded that, for various reasons, including, but not limited to, for reasons of the insolvency of marketing strategies, external constraints, or competitors’ actions, the model developed by Curaizon™ and described in this White Paper model may appear to be unpopular and\or unclaimed, lacking use an applications.

Risk of dependence on third parties

Even after the launch, the model developed by Curaizon™ and described in this White Paper will rely, wholly or partially, on third parties, for adoption and implementation of certain functions, as well as for continuing its development, maintenance, and support. Though above-mentioned third parties are carefully selected by Curaizon™ team, there is no insurance or guarantee that this third parties will do their job properly, or otherwise meet users’ needs, and this can have a significant adverse impact on the platform.

Risk of loss of cash

The project described in this White Paper, the model developed by Curaizon™, the platform being created, as well as any funds collected within the framework of the Token Sale described, are not insured. In case of failure of the project for any reason, loss of functionality of the Token or platform, there is no private or public insurance representative to whom token holders can apply for reimbursement.

Risk of Force Majeure

In the future, there may be extraordinary circumstances that Curaizon™ cannot reasonably anticipate or prevent and that may be subject to restrictions or impediments to the operations of Curaizon™ or Token platform.


