Utility Tokens Curaizon™

The Articles
4 min readSep 17, 2018



CuraToken™ (“CTKN”) is an EIP-20 Ethereum-based utility token which can be used to access medical adherence data via Curaizon’s™ CuraData™ platform. This data is of interest to research insttutons, natonal health services and biotech companies. Blockchain technology will be used to store the patent permissions and ensure transparency and anonymity. Through the smart contracts and embedded API calls, access is given to the underlying big data. Through this technology, CuraToken™ (CTKN) will become a unique soluton to build a win-win-win situaton for token holders, patents and medical insttutons. The data grows over tme and constantly increases in utlity and consequently value. Our reward program encourages data collaboraton, thus increasing the overall value and atractveness of our data. Our CuraCharity™ platorm donates to worthy causes that are leading the way in research and beter treatment in the healthcare sector.

Value Of The Solutions

Our unique data will be able to lower the direct cost of drug non-adherence which is estimated to be more than $700 billion per year.9 In additon, pharmaceutcal companies lose more than $630 billion in revenue annually to patent non-adherence and the amount lost is increasing by 13% per year.10 Our data will be indispensable in helping drug companies improve revenues by ensuring patents are taking the drugs they are supposed to. This represents a win-win as higher adherence rates equal higher revenues for pharmaceutcal companies, beter outcomes for patents and considerable savings for healthcare providers.

Our technologies will play a key role in achieving both these savings.


Every time a patent takes a medication, or a medical event occurs we gather more data. The longer a patent is using our technology, the more data Curaizon™ collects. As we add these patent events to the system, the depth, and breadth of the data increases. The underlying data, therefore, grows in value as it becomes more useful in helping solve a significant and costly problem.

Our Utility Token Will Be The Only Way To Access This Information

We will use the blockchain to manage properties related to contract structures and access permissions to individual records to ensure that full control always remains with the patent. Please see the Architecture section for more information.

Data Augmentation

In addition, as our partnerships with medical and pharmaceutical organizations develop we will encourage them to augment their specialized data with our own through a token reward system linked to the value of the information shared. This will offer growing network effects of enhanced data from which our machine learning algorithms will be able to investigate even larger data sets creating greater value for customers who wish to access even broader data related to their own research interest.

Platform Value

The total number of potential users of our platform includes all of the patents covered by national health services across the world. This is a total of 1.4 billion patents and growing.

Our Systems Can!

  • Statically, half of the 1.4 billion patents are taking some kind of long-term medication. Our expectation is that we will penetrate up to 30% of this market.
  • As an example, when looking at type-2 diabetes in the UK, our technology delivers a cost-benefit ratio in the order of >500 times. This means that for every dollar a health service spends with us, we can save them more than $500. Combine this with the incredibly valuable data we generate from our reminder and monitoring technologies, where we typically capture 4 data points for each patent daily, and you can quickly see how this real-time data and analytics will become an invaluable dataset for the healthcare sector worldwide.
  • Our patent data will continue to increase in size and, with the adherence technology, it will constantly increase in utility and consequently value.
  • Non-adherent patients cost twice as much to treat as those who take their medications as prescribed.
  • As a result, it is imperative that health services engage with our technology to realize the potential reduction in waste and become more efficient. Reducing premature and unnecessary death is also a primary function of what we do and how we help solve the wider societal impacts of drug non-adherence.
  • All of this saving is enabled through our utility token which accesses the research and analytics tools of CuraData™ to provide real-time analysis on patent behavior and adherence.

