Danilo Curcic
4 min readAug 13, 2024


People protesting lithium excavation in Serbia

Your Excellency, Ambassador Ferguson,

As Chevening alumni, recipients of the prestigious award that significantly impacted our professional careers and development, we are writing this letter to express our deepest concerns related to the public appearances in which you support the Rio Tinto excavation of lithium in Serbia.

As of late, the Chevening scholarship programme has been supporting individuals focusing on sustainable development and the environment, as well as those working on the improvement of democratic institutions in Serbia. That being the case, we were surprised to see you stand in support of this project. In light of the observations about the policy dialogue in the country, as well as the information available from relevant sources about the excavation of lithium, such as this study on the influence of exploration activities of a potential lithium mine to the environment in Western Serbia and this Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) publication, we respectfully suggest that you reconsider your stance and public endorsement of the project that could have serious implications on the environment and citizens of Western Serbia.

Considering the track record of other mining projects in Serbia and their negative effects on the environment, and the general lack of effective and guided efforts on the part of the Government to ensure the wellbeing of the environment and to seriously regulate major polluters, there are many reasons to be skeptical about the promises of maintenance of the highest ecological standards.

Even Rio Tinto, at the beginning of their draft study, has a disclaimer on data and conclusions with which they try to reduce the effects this project has on the environment. We will not go into details of the very problematic reputation of this company as we are sure you are familiar with it already.

There is clearly a need on the part of the EU and other countries for raw materials necessary to produce batteries. Nevertheless, the studies linked above, provide strong evidence that the potential cost of the project for the health of the entire ecosystem of the area far outweighs any potential benefit this country and its people could have from that project.

As Chevening scholars and friends of the UK, but also concerned citizens of Serbia, we hope that you will take all this into consideration when referring to the project that could have such devastating consequences.

Everyone has the right to a clean and safe environment in which they can live in dignity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

The views in this letter represent solely the views of the undersigned alumni, and not the Chevening Association of Serbia as a whole.

Kind regards,

Tijana Blagojev

Chevening scholar 2018/2019

University of Warwick, MA Politics, Big Data and Quantitative Methods

Vlada Šahović

Chevening scholar 2019/2020

University of Nottingham, LLM in Human Rights Law

Danilo Ćurčić

Chevening scholar 2015/2016

University of Essex, LLM in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Stefan Dragutinović

Chevening scholar 2018/2019

University of Bath, MSc Applied Economics with Public Policies

Nataša Pantić

Chevening scholar 2020/2021

London School of Economics, MSc Management in IT & Digital Innovation

Dr Aleksandar Brkić

Chevening scholar 2004/2005

City, University of London, MSc Management

Katarina Arambašić

Chevening scholar 2001/2002

University of Leeds, Non Degree Postgraduate Course in Communication Studies

Katarina Vuković

Chevening scholar 2006/2007

Kingston University, MBA

Marijana Čestić Jelovac

Chevening scholar 2021/2022

University of Leeds, LLM International Human Rights Law

Miloš Bogićević

Chevening scholar 2010/2011

UCL, MA Human Rights

Dragana Aleksić

Chevening scholar 2010/2011

University of Bristol, MSc in Public Policy

Marina Milošević Dussaule

Chevening scholar 2011/2012

London School of Economics and Political Science, MSc Development Studies

Marija Perić

Chevening scholar 2022/2023

University of Essex, MA Childhood Studies

Ana Ranitović

Chevening scholar 2008/2009

Oxford University, MSc Social Anthropology

Sara Petrovski

Chevening scholar 2011/2012

University of Sussex, MA Human Rights

Slobodan Janković

Chevening scholar 1999

University of Aberdeen, Certificate for segment of Master course of Clinical Pharmacology

Dr Tijana Stevanović

Chevening scholar 2009/2010

University College London, MA Identity, Culture and Power

Nataša Udovički

Chevening scholar 2008/2009

London School of Economics and Political Science, MSc in European Political Economy

Jelena Bajat

Chevening scholar 2006

Magdalene College, Oxford, PhD

Ana Smuk

Chevening scholar 2019/2020

University of Sheffield, MSc Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoeconomy

Sanja Stepanović Todorović

Chevening fellow 2018/2019

Chevening British Library Fellowship (Academy and Society in the Balkans)

Nevena Ružić

Chevening scholar 2007/2008

University of Leeds, LLM in International and European Human Rights

Jelisaveta Ilić

Chevening scholar 2021/2022

University College London, MSc Bioscience Entrepreneurship

Jovana Mirjanić

Chevening scholar 2020/2021

King’s College London, MSc Climate Change: Environment, Science and Policy

Snježana Milivojević

Senior Associate Member, 2001

Oxford University, St. Antony’s College, SAM — Individual Research Grant

Nikola Kovačević

Chevening scholar 2017/2018

University of Essex, LLM International Human Rights Law

Miloš Brčkalo

Chevening scholar 2009/2010

Cambridge University, MPhil Engineering for Sustainable Development

Aneta Goranović

Chevening scholar 2018/2019

Goldsmiths University, MA Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship

Marija Brujić (Krstić)

Chevening scholar 2009/2010

University of Oxford, MSc Visual Anthropology