How Your Website Design Will Change Your Business

Danish Maniyar
3 min readJun 23, 2017


We live in the digital age where Big Data, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Predictive Analytics, and Automation are the buzz words. It is not only multinational corporations that benefit from web sites and internet marketing. Small and medium enterprises can also improve their brand value and recognition through innovative web sites and online marketing techniques. Web marketing can be conducted through different internet technologies and platforms. A web site can, however, indicate commitment, global accessibility, reliability, and progressive outlook.

Both Amateur developers and professional web design services operate in the global cyberspace. You have to be careful while choosing a reliable and efficient web development service for your online business presence. You can select the suitable design services on the basis of budget, business objectives, and time constraints. An amateur site designer and developer may provide his or her service at low cost. But the quality is suspect, and the amateur designs may be outdated or unreliable. A professional service, on the other hand, ensures competency, competitive prices, high quality, and custom designs for attracting and impressing the customers.

A well designed web site has many advantages due to the presence of a large number of impressive design elements, as well as context-rich content. The custom site designed by professionals has uniqueness, and novelty factors. It can attract a large number of potential and inquisitive customers in a seamless manner. The company web site can reflect the vision, language, quality of products, and services being offered. The eye catching logo, motto's, and animated graphics can impress even the most reticent or casual visitor to the site. A consistent and reliable brand identity can be created, enhanced, and maintained for sales and profitability. Making a first impression on new visitors and leaving a memorable experience can go a long way in retaining loyal customers who make regular purchases.

A high quality web site is not only well designed, but also well planned. The business objective, competitor presence, pricing mechanisms, and payment options are all incorporated into the design with a clear cut objective during the planning stage. Efficiency and effectiveness are given importance, and the professional designers carefully chose the design elements including graphics, animations, layouts, colours, navigation panes, and multimedia.

In addition, the content is optimized for search engines with the help of Meta tags, in line text, SEO and web master submissions by relying on context rich keywords and key phrases of high frequency. Customers are enticed with interesting information and reliable answers to their doubts and queries.

Since mobile technologies have become ubiquitous, the professional web site design also incorporates modern methods of working and communicating.

For this, the designers rely on RWD or responsive web design to facilitate mobile and tablet friendly sites with varying sizes, layouts, and loading factors. This vital design feature can attract a large number of customers who conduct their online transactions through smart phones or iPad's.

The professionals with skill and experience also have great success in balancing beautiful designs and aesthetic sense, with navigation ease, colorful forms, and effective calls for action.

All these design features can make a huge difference to the online success or failure of your company’s business. Digital technologies evolve and the most reliable and professional web designers follow and implement the latest trends, tools, and methods to benefit your digital business.

About Author:- Danish Maniyar is a SEO Specialist who offers the best web design and web development services in india and worldwide.



Danish Maniyar

An engineer with over 4 years of experience in the digital marketing industry across software, telecom and blockchain industries.