What is Dynamic State Sharding in Shardeum?

2 min readSep 14, 2023


What is Dynamic State Sharding?

Dynamic state sharding or dynamic sharding is one of the sharding types that is built to be flexible, and easily adaptable to changes in the overall blockchain ecosystem. Dynamic state sharding is the most advanced and complex way to shard the state of a network because it shards the State, Network, and Transactions and that too dynamically, as opposed to, in a pre-determined way. True to its name, dynamic state sharding allows for easy integration of upgrades without hindering the workflow of the ecosystem.

Dynamic sharding makes room for the addition or removal of blockchain shards as new updates demand, and may also allow changes in the method of data storage within blockchain shards. The primary benefit of dynamic state sharding, therefore, is the efficient scalability of a blockchain network without halting the overall flow of operations or performance.

Atomic Processing & Cross Shard Composability

Cross-shard communication allows for transactions to access and utilize data and state from different shards, enabling complex transactions and smart contracts to be executed in a sharded environment. Atomic composability is also important because it ensures that transactions are executed atomically, meaning that either all parts of the transaction are executed successfully or none of them are. Without atomic composability, transactions could potentially fail or leave the blockchain in an inconsistent state, leading to security risks and reduced reliability. Shardeum will ensure complex transactions and smart contracts are executed effectively in a sharded environment while maintaining the integrity and consistency of the blockchain.

Shardeum Scales Linearly

Through dynamic state sharding, every node added to the network will increase the transaction throughput instantly. So basically, by simply adding more nodes from the network’s ‘standby’ validator pool during peak demand, the TPS will increase proportionally making Shardeum the first Web3 network to scale linearly. And this is the main X factor that impacts every other outcome on a blockchain network favorably including throughput, decentralization, security, and constant transaction fees irrespective of the demand in the network.

That’s how Shardeum’s underlying protocol, Shardus, was able to demonstrate 500 TPS with 100 nodes over the last 3 years. Shardeum is aiming to enable up to 1 TPS or more per node which will be a huge breakthrough for the Web3 ecosystem. Even with 2k active nodes on existing blockchain networks, we can only see them process an average of 350 TPS at best when Web2 peers like PayPal and Visa process an average of 5000 TPS every day. Shardeum’s idea is to mobilize millions of nodes eventually which can process over 1 million TPS to realistically host a ton of dApps providing products and services to billions of users thereby eliminating middlemen taking advantage of our data/privacy.

