What is Meta AI?

3 min readJul 28, 2023


Meta AI is an artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory that belongs to Meta Platforms Inc. (formerly known as Facebook, Inc.). It was founded in 2015 by Mark Zuckerberg and Ilya Sutskever, and is headquartered in New York City.

Meta AI’s mission is to “advance the state of AI, and ensure its development is aligned with society’s values.” The laboratory’s research focuses on a wide range of AI topics, including natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, and robotics.

Meta AI has made significant contributions to the field of AI. For example, the laboratory developed the Transformer architecture, which is now used in many of the world’s leading AI models. Meta AI also developed the PyTorch machine learning framework, which is one of the most popular open-source AI libraries.

In addition to its research, Meta AI also works to promote the responsible development of AI. The laboratory has published a number of white papers on AI ethics, and it has also developed a number of tools and resources to help developers build responsible AI systems.

Meta AI is a leading force in the field of AI research. The laboratory’s work is helping to advance the state of AI, and it is also helping to ensure that AI is developed in a way that is aligned with society’s values.

Here are some of the specific areas of research that Meta AI is working on:

  • Natural language processing: This is the field of AI that deals with understanding and generating human language. Meta AI is working on developing AI systems that can understand natural language in a more natural way, and that can generate text that is more creative and informative.
  • Computer vision: This is the field of AI that deals with understanding and processing visual information. Meta AI is working on developing AI systems that can see and understand the world in a more human-like way, and that can use this information to perform tasks such as self-driving cars and facial recognition.
  • Machine learning: This is the field of AI that deals with developing algorithms that can learn from data. Meta AI is working on developing machine learning algorithms that are more efficient and accurate, and that can be used to solve a wider range of problems.
  • Robotics: This is the field of AI that deals with developing robots that can interact with the physical world. Meta AI is working on developing robots that are more agile and dexterous, and that can learn and adapt to their environment.

Meta AI is a leading force in the field of AI research, and its work is helping to advance the state of AI in a number of important ways. The laboratory is also working to ensure that AI is developed in a way that is aligned with society’s values, and it is providing valuable resources to help developers build responsible AI systems

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