Cordi — a bilateral coordination practice game

5 min readJul 15, 2023


This article provides a starting point for anyone interested in researching or using augmented reality as a movement training technology.

One of the goals of the game Cordi is to motivate children, aged 6–8 years, to be more physically active and use their hands effectively. In recent years, especially after the corona virus, children spend less time outside, they play video games at home through the computer, consoles or through a smart phone device. Most of the games are controlled by finger movements only, so that the playing children do not move their body and arms while playing.
I developed a prototype game in an augmented reality (AR) environment. The game uses hand tracking to help children practice bilateral coordination movements. Movement training games in AR are not as common as games in which the users activates the game by clicking on the screen with their fingers.

Bilateral coordination is the ability to coordinate both sides of the body at the same time in a controlled and organized manner. Children who have difficulty coordinating both sides of the body may have difficulty performing daily tasks and fine motor activities. Low control of coordinated movements can lead to motor deficits or developmental coordination disorder (DCD).

Gaming activity is considered an unhelpful activity and linked to obesity. Children today are much less involved in the world outside their home in terms of physical activity. The technological innovations have greatly contributed to this change. There are more and more games that make children play while sitting. In recent years, significant work has been done Incorporating physical activity into video games. You can see more and more video games that promote physical activity thanks to movement-based games. Motion-based video games allow their users to use active body movements as a means of interaction. In contrast to exercise perceived as not enjoyable, engaging in movement-based video games is perceived as an entertaining and enjoyable experience, which ensures more frequent use of the game.

Many studies have found that one of the ways to treat children with motor difficulties is through virtual reality (VR) games. The use of VR for movement training for children, increases motivation when the training takes place in a safe, flexible and interactive environment. This technological means makes it possible to perform many repetitive movements with immediate feedback. The game is not guided by an adult, so the feeling is freer and the degree of enjoyment is high. The child develops skills and improves without being aware of it.

Cordi character in 2D

The game Cordi is ment to play as an AR game. The term AR refers to any technology that ‘expands’ the user’s visual perception of his environment as an additional visual layer. The technology adds digital content above environments and objects in the existing environment, complementing reality, instead of replacing it completely as in VR platforms. In VR, the interface completely embeds the user in a synthetic environment so that the user cannot see the real world around them. In contrast, AR allows the user to see the real world.

One of the advantages of the technology of mobile phones is the accessibility of the mobile phone for most of the children in the State of Israel. With a game made for children, they can exercise without parental supervision, wherever or whenever they want. AR technology has improved in recent years and is suitable for detecting movement in the real world. Motion capture can be used without additional intermediary tools, it does not require the use of handheld controllers. The technology can be used to capture the user’s movements using the built-in camera. Gesture-based interfaces provide a natural form of motion control, more so than a mouse, keyboard, or joystick because they require experience, literacy, and skill to become familiar. The use of AR technology through the familiar and accessible smartphone does not require additional equipment such as special glasses of the VR or controllers equipment (as in PlayStation/Nintendo switch/Xbox), or a dedicated surface.

Cordi AR games examines how children will benefit from a playful activity that requires coordination between their two hands, in order to practice bilateral coordination movements. The game, in addition to the gameplay, will check if it is possible to design a video game that allows you to practice, to play repetitively, at different degrees of difficulty with gradual intensity. Gaming can be a fun, voluntary, strategic means to encourage and facilitate frequent use. Our premise is that active use of this type of video game will increase the motivation of children to exercise, improve skills, range of motion, and of course their motor skills. Movement games of this type require coordination and movement planning, quick and accurate reactivity to events that happen on the screen at a variable rate.

Cordi game is adapted to the abilities, age and skill level of the users in the age range and is enjoyable to use.
The game uses hand tracking to help children practice bilateral coordination movements, symmetrical and asymmetrical bilateral movements. The game requires the users to control the movements of the hand gestures in a controlled and precise manner in front of the camera of their smart device.

There are two main problems that arise from such a game experience. The first problem is the ability to maintain control of the game character. Since the game relies on hand gestures, as soon as the player’s hands leaves the borders of the screen, the hand scan has stopped being scanned in real time, and there is a need to resynchronize the hand to the borders of the screen. Unlike games based on equipment, for example, which are controlled by controllers, this situation will rarely happen and it will be possible to avoid a renewed scan that may damage the player’s experience, forcing you to deal with the technical aspect instead of the complete training experience. Another disadvantage is the constraint of placing the device in front of the user. The smart device must be placed at a certain distance from the user and resting it on a hard surface. At a great distance relative to the small size of the screen, in a situation where full body detection is required, the user will have difficulty accessing the game because the device is far away.

Cordi My first AR friend

The future is in AR, that’s where the world is progressing and it’s not far off today that we’ll walk around the world with special glasses that will replace the mobile or there will be a proper integration between the two. Children will no longer meet face to face and play physical games like today. More than ever, it is important to develop games that allow children to use their hands and move the entire hand range.

In conclusion, Cordi AR games have the potential of improving children’s coordination at the ages 6–8. The games are a great way to make them engaged and develop an important skill as bilateral coordination. The children can play on their parents mobile anywhere and at any time without any controller.

