The Only Programming Language You Need To Revolutionize Your Career

Daniya Jaweed
6 min readSep 24, 2022


If you are looking to transition into tech or you are planning to build up your resume with the knowledge of a specific language you must target in accordance with the job role you want to opt for, then this piece is for you.

What are programming languages?

Programming languages are a vocabulary and a set of rules that instruct a computer, gadgets, and programs to operate in accordance with the written codes. The programming language allows us to create efficient programs and internet solutions such as mobile applications, web applications, and games. Essentially, it is referred to as high-level language.

Why are tech jobs so high-paying?

Technology rules the world, and those who can keep it running are quite well compensated. Those “high-end” IT professions paying 125k+ per year are exceptionally paid primarily because they demand a combination of substantial amounts of schooling and are incredibly tough to obtain.

Other than that, technology failures can cost a company millions of dollars of loss. It’s only fair so hire as many professionals and keep them working with good packages. Comes cheaper than paying the price of a disaster.

Why do you need to figure out the perfect language for your position?

Although a majority of these occupations do not require a specialized degree, there are significant experience requirements. This type of experience can only be obtained through these jobs or tonnes of project work. To obtain one of these “easy” “no degree” positions, you have to be precise with your choice of programming language and most of all master that language with practical proof that you can pass the coding interviews.

Now, let us dive straight into the programming languages you need for the specific career you plan to embark.

1. Game Developer

The most important language to begin with when you are starting your career in game development is C++, pronounced as see plus plus.

Let us see your task as a game developer:

-> Convert complex requirements into clear, efficient code.

-> Build the foundation or engine that will power the game.

-> Create prototypes of gameplay concepts and features.

-> Create timetables and set milestones.

-> Create storyboards and game scripts.

-> Create animated characters and objects.

So far so good? If you seem interested in these tasks, then it’s time you get familiar with the language that allows you to perform efficiently. C++ is a statically typed, high-level programming language that incorporates features of C, Pascal, Modula-2, Ada, Objective C, Smalltalk, and Java. It was invented in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories. He released his book “Principles of Design” in 1986, in which he defined C++ as a superset of C.
He later expanded C++ to include classes, templates, exceptions, namespaces, operator overloading, and dynamic memory allocation

Simply put, this is a vast language with many features that form the core of your profession as a game developer. To learn more about the other languages you need to be familiar with as well as in simple words to gauge more information about C++, follow the link for all game development aspirants.

2. Systems Software Developer

The most important language to begin with when you are starting your career in system software developement is C#, pronounced as see sharp.

Let us see your task as a systems software developer:

-> Strong problem-solving abilities and mathematical ability

-> Outstanding organizational and time management abilities

-> Accuracy and attention to detail Knowledge of current developments and their impact on the commercial environment

-> Because most projects involve input from persons in various positions, teamwork skills are essential.

-> Self-improvement abilities to stay up with rapidly changing trends

If these requirements most certainly describe you, then system software development is your go-to job! This job leans more toward the technical than the artistic.

The term “C sharp” originated from musical notation, where a sharp sign denotes that the printed note should be raised in pitch by a semitone. Note that C# is a windows-based language, the language is not readable with a different OS system.

The language is highly preferred as the coding style makes all of its applications into dependable products that can be readily altered and updated.
That means programmers can easily make changes and build on top of any C# software to enhance its functionality and serve more users.

3. Data Analyst / Data Scientist

The most important language to begin with when you are starting your career in data science is python, yes, just like the snake. A data scientist is more inclined towards the software development coding part of the job, whereas a data analyst is inclined towards working with business intelligence tools. Python is one of the simpler programming languages for beginners as it incorporates a lot of the English language.

Let us see your task as a data analyst/data scientist:

-> Find useful data sources and automate data collecting methods.

-> Preprocess both organized and unstructured data.

-> Analyze massive volumes of data to find trends and patterns.

-> Create machine-learning algorithms and prediction models.

-> Models can be combined using ensemble modeling.

If these are the tasks you enjoy doing, then introduce yourself to the wonders of python and how highly valuable and in-demand skill it is in today’s world. Python is a multi-paradigm programming language with imperative and declarative capabilities.
It is a more sophisticated programming language than Perl or PHP.
Its design philosophy prioritizes code readability, and its syntax is primarily influenced by English.
Python is frequently characterized as simple, elegant, intuitive, and powerful.

4. Android App Developer

The most important language to begin with when you are starting your career in game development is Java.

Let us see your task as an android app developer:

-> Create complex applications for the Android platform.
-> Work with cross-functional teams to identify, create, and release new features.
-> Use external data sources and APIs.
-> Unit tests for robustness, including edge cases, usability, and overall dependability
-> Work on bug fixes and application performance enhancements.
-> Discover, analyze, and deploy new technologies on a continuous basis to optimize development efficiency.

Java is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language initially released as open-source software in 1995 by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle).
It was created to make writing, understanding, and maintaining computer programs easier.
Java is currently widely utilized in a variety of industries, including finance, banking, insurance, retail, government, education, healthcare, telecommunications, automotive, and manufacturing.

All in all, Java is fun to work with programming language if you get a hang of it. But, it does take time to master it.

5. Full Stack Developer

Javascript is the language you should start with while learning full-stack web development. It is a very dynamic and proactive language. Of course, Javascript differs significantly from Java.

Let us see your task as a full stack developer:

-> Collaborate with development teams and product managers to brainstorm software solutions
-> Create client-side and server-side architecture

-> Create an appealing visual design for application front ends
-> Create and maintain functional databases and applications
-> Create efficient APIs
-> Software must be tested to guarantee responsiveness and efficiency.
-> Troubleshooting, debugging, and software upgrades
-> Create features and apps that are mobile responsive

JavaScript is a programming language that is frequently seen in web browsers. It was included in the ECMA-262 Edition 3 specification. It is commonly regarded as a subset of the ECMAScript programming language. If you’re familiar with HTML, CSS, and DOM, you’re already familiar with JavaScript.

That is it! These are the languages you need to get started with your career in tech in accordance with your job role. Good luck on your journey!

