A Simple Strength Program

Dan John
2 min readOct 2, 2018

(This is dedicated to my friends at Fort Lewis. This is the idea I was trying to explain.)

We tend to overcomplicate everything in life. Tell someone to “eat clean” and you need a 500-page manual to explain it. To get “in shape” might take several thick volumes of work to detail everything.

But, to get strong is one of the easiest things I know. As I often joke, and the research backs me up on this:

If you want to get stronger, lift weights.

The best method I know is simply “One-Two-Three.” It’s an old method that has recently seen the light of day again.

Pick a big movement.

Push: Bench or Military Press

Pull: Pull Up

Squat: Front Squat or Back Squat

Hinge: Deadlift

Find a load that you can do for five. It’s going to really vary for most of us, but a normal trainer will find that 80% of their max is about right. Now, follow this rep scheme:


Do a single, rest a bit, do a double, rest a bit, then do a triple. That is six total reps and the quality should all be excellent. For a solid workout, run through this three times: 1–2–3–1–2–3–1–2–3.



Dan John

Coach, author, professor, lecturer, athlete, American record holder.