Bumping Into Russians

Dan Kadlec
5 min readMar 19, 2022

At the airport. In the lobby. Suddenly I’m hearing Russian conversations all around me during my stay in Dubai, giving the war, for me, a new dimension.

a brightly lit mall teems with shoppers near Red Square
Crowds shop western brands near GUM mall off Red Square in 2018. Photo by Dan Kadlec

I don’t speak Russian. But I know Russian speak, and I’ve been hearing more of it here in Dubai, where I have been living the past few months. The language can sound harsh. But when spoken in hushed tones it has a velvety, elegant, almost hypnotic quality that renders it unmistakable.

The title character played by Jamie Lee Curtis in A Fish Called Wanda was so taken by the language that she responded erotically when John Cleese’s character, Archie, spoke Russian gibberish in the hope of seducing her. I’m no Wanda. But I always take note.

Returning to Dubai after a recent flight, as I snaked through an endless line at immigration, a Russian father nearby was calling for his fidgety children to behave: “Deti vedut sebya!” he barked. Okay. I’m not sure that’s what he said. Because I don’t speak Russian. But his kids fell in line pretty darn fast.

Outside the airport, a young man who had been waiting with a colorful bouquet called out “Solnishko!” in obvious delight as he rushed to a young woman. I had to Google it. The translation was “little sun,” a common Russian term of endearment. Later, at the hotel, a Russian family was checking in as I passed the front desk.



Dan Kadlec

Dan is writing a memoir about his early years as a small-town journalist, when he was running with cops by day and from them by night.