Einmal Ist KeinmalThe Germans have a saying: einmal ist keinmal. The ability to do something once, even something wonderful, is ultimately of no value…Apr 7, 20191Apr 7, 20191
In Search Of The Architecture Part of Information ArchitectureDan Klyn’s 2017 Information Architecture Summit Closing Plenary AddressMar 26, 20172Mar 26, 20172
What “holistic” means, or may meanThe contour of meaning isn’t always, or even often, something you can pleasurably run your hand along. The dynamics of meaning, as encoded…Sep 15, 20161Sep 15, 20161
What Good MeansI’m obsessed with the question of what “good” means, and blame the genius loci of West Michigan for this affliction.May 26, 20168May 26, 20168