An In-Depth Look at ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’: A Comprehensive Review

6 min readApr 15, 2024


“Remarkably Bright Creatures” by Shelby Van Pelt is an acclaimed narrative that spins a heartwarming tale of an octogenarian, Tova, and her unique friendship with Marcellus, an octopus 1. Since its publication in May 2022, the novel has achieved significant milestones, including winning the 2022 BookBrowse Debut Award and selling nearly 1.4 million copies worldwide, securing a spot on the New York Times bestseller list 3 4.

This review offers a deep dive into “Remarkably Bright Creatures,” aiming to provide a comprehensive summary and analysis of its plot, characters, themes, and the underlying messages the author conveys through the story set in contemporary USA, West, Wash. Ore. Idaho 3. Following the book’s journey from its initial reception to its paperback release slated for March 4, 2025, this article will explore why Shelby Van Pelt’s debut has resonated with so many readers 3.

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Overview of the Plot

In “Remarkably Bright Creatures,” the narrative intricately weaves the lives of Tova Sullivan, a widowed night-shift worker at Sowell Bay Aquarium, and Marcellus, a highly intelligent Giant Pacific Octopus. The plot thickens with the introduction of Cameron, a young man seeking the truth about his paternity, who finds himself entangled in the aquarium’s daily life 1410.

  1. Tova’s Quest for Closure: After her son Erik’s mysterious disappearance thirty years ago, Tova’s life is a blend of grief and routine until she forms a transformative friendship with Marcellus. The octopus not only enriches her daily life but also assists in unraveling the long-standing mystery of her son’s fate 3478.
  2. Cameron’s Personal Journey: Parallel to Tova’s storyline, Cameron arrives in Sowell Bay to confront a man he suspects to be his father. His journey takes a significant turn as he starts working at the aquarium, where his path crosses with Tova’s, leading to crucial discoveries about his own life and Tova’s past 110.
  3. Marcellus’s Role: More than just a creature in captivity, Marcellus becomes a central figure in aiding both Tova and Cameron. His unique abilities to communicate and remember human faces play a pivotal role in piecing together the puzzle of Erik’s disappearance and revealing the town’s hidden secrets 910.

This multi-layered plot not only explores the depths of personal loss and the quest for truth but also highlights the unexpected connections between human and marine life, emphasizing themes of family, discovery, and redemption 7911.

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Character Analysis

  • Tova Sullivan: Central to the narrative of “Remarkably Bright Creatures,” Tova is depicted as a compassionate and resilient elderly woman. Despite grappling with unresolved grief from the loss of her family, she finds solace and purpose in her unique relationship with Marcellus, the octopus. This bond not only aids her in confronting her past but also in embracing new relationships with other characters like Cameron and Ethan, which are pivotal in her journey towards healing and acceptance 513.
  • Marcellus: As a highly intelligent and manipulative giant Pacific octopus, Marcellus’s character adds a layer of intrigue and emotional depth to the story. His interactions with Tova are central, helping her navigate her grief while also pursuing his own dreams of freedom. His capabilities extend beyond the ordinary, including lock-picking and escaping, which symbolize his desire for liberty and play a crucial role in the unfolding of the plot 2561114.
  • Cameron: A young man in his thirties, Cameron’s life is marked by uncertainty about his future and his familial relationships. His journey of self-discovery intertwines with Tova’s, and their shared experiences bring forth revelations that are significant to both their stories. Cameron’s character development is integral as it reflects themes of self-identity and belonging within the narrative 511.

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Themes and Messages

In “Remarkably Bright Creatures,” Shelby Van Pelt intricately explores several profound themes through the interactions of her characters with each other and the world around them:

  1. Grief and Loss: The narrative poignantly addresses the impact of grief and loss, as seen through Cameron’s struggle with his mother’s abandonment 16. Similarly, Tova’s journey reflects a deep exploration of loss, adding layers to the theme as she uncovers truths about her past 10.
  2. Friendship and Connection: Central to the novel is the theme of friendship, exemplified by the bonds between Cameron, Tova, and Marcellus. These relationships are not only pivotal for personal redemption but also highlight the broader theme of connection across species, demonstrating the unexpected emotional depths that can exist between humans and marine life 1610.
  3. Freedom and Self-Discovery:
  • Freedom Versus Captivity: Marcellus’s story arc from captivity to the freedom of the open sea symbolizes a larger theme of liberation and the intrinsic value of natural life 17.
  • Self-Discovery: Both human and non-human characters undergo significant self-discovery. Tova unravels hidden aspects of her life, while Marcellus showcases his intelligence and emotional capacity, challenging preconceived notions about marine creatures 10.

These themes are woven together with a backdrop of magical realism, blending everyday life with elements of the fantastical, which serves to both enchant and ground the narrative in a relatable reality 23. The novel’s unique blend of reality and fantasy enriches its thematic depth, making it a compelling read for those who appreciate stories that reflect on the complexities of life and relationships 23.


Through exploring the entwined lives of Tova, Cameron, and Marcellus, “Remarkably Bright Creatures” casts a profound light on the complexities of grief, the strength found in connection, and the journey toward self-discovery. Shelby Van Pelt’s narrative adeptly weaves together the threads of human and marine life, highlighting an intricate tapestry of relationships that transcend species. The story’s compelling blend of magical realism with the tangible elements of everyday struggles and joys invites readers into a deeply emotive examination of the bonds that define and liberate us.

The significance of “Remarkably Bright Creatures” extends beyond its pages, offering insights into the power of friendship and the uncharted depths of personal growth. By delving into themes of loss, redemption, and the quest for freedom, Van Pelt not only entertains but also illuminates the potential for extraordinary connections in ordinary lives. As readers close the final chapter, they are left with a lingering reflection on the impact of shared experiences and the timeless quest for understanding and peace.

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What are the central themes of ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’? ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’ delves into several profound themes, notably grief and loss. The story follows Cameron, who struggles with the abandonment by his mother and his quest for belonging. These themes are intricately woven through his interactions with other characters like Tova and Marcellus.

Should I consider reading ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’? Absolutely, ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’ is highly recommended for its deep exploration of the human spirit’s resilience and the power of love to overcome obstacles. The narrative is impactful, leaving readers with lasting impressions of hope and a deeper appreciation for life’s magical moments.

Are there any sensitive themes in ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’ that I should be aware of? Yes, potential readers should be aware that ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’ includes sensitive themes such as animal death, which is implied to be due to age, and familial death.

What can readers learn from ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’? ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’ offers valuable lessons on dealing with love, family, loneliness, change, trust, loss, hope, and the possibility of second chances. Through the character Marcellus, the book provides a unique perspective on these universal experiences. This debut novel by Shelby Van Pelt is a promising start to her literary career, eagerly anticipated by many for future works.


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