9 Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

That will save you a load of time.

Ashleigh Danks
1 min readNov 6, 2017

General Shortcuts




This post is part a series I have put together on saving time and increasing productivity, click the links above to check out my other posts.

Key combinations have been shown for windows and IOS.

‘ctrl+up/down’ ‘cmd+ctrl+up/down’
Move the line of code you are on up/down.

‘ctrl+shift+d’ ‘cmd+shift+right’
Duplicates the line or selected lines of code you are on.

‘ctrl+/’ ‘cmd+/’
Comment or un-comment the selected lines of code.

‘ctrl+\’ ‘cmd+\’
Show/hide the file system tab.

‘ctrl+’ ‘ctrl+’’
(I am using the platform-IDE-terminal package and git bash as the shell overide)
Show/hide the terminal window (may not work if emmet is installed).

‘ctrl+,’ ‘cmd+,’
Shows the settings tab.

(when using the terminal in atom, NOTE: I am using the platform-IDE-terminal package with git bash as my shell override.)

Copy things in the terminal.

Paste the clipboard into the terminal.

Whilst using the ‘cd’ command if you can’t remember what is in the folder you can double tap tab and it will list the folders in the current directory.

I’ll update this list as I continue to develop and if there any great shortcuts you think I should include drop me a comment.

