Dave Scott
1 min readOct 18, 2016


I have to respectfully disagree. All you have done is dismiss the simple irrefutable fact that a handful of fascists (with no mandate from 60 million people) overthrew an elected government. “Cries” of Nazis are valid and factual as per Right Sector and Azov Battalion. You can not dismiss so called “putinistas” or the rise of the Far Right as part of some covert Russian FSB conspiracy just because you personally don’t agree with them. Conspiracy belongs to the Americans and once it’s mentioned all logic and genuine discussion disappears down a meandering line of dead ends. Again, i respectfully disagree. Whoever is in Donbass and Luhansk, be they Russian or British (there are a few Europeans there) is there to fight the forces of fascism. Had the Ukrainian regime respected their rights to self determination we wouldn’t be here. Its an authoritarian regime

