How to setup Openshift on AWS EC2

Dan Martines
2 min readMar 30, 2017


You would think that it’d be easy to spin up a Openshift… yet after a lot of archeology and help from my friend Michael Bechauf, here are the steps:

First spin up a EC2 instance with Amazon Linux

Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09.1 (HVM), SSD Volume Type — ami-0b33d91d

While creating your instance make sure you create a key pair and download .pem file it to your local drive. Then grab your Public DNS (IPv4) and use it to SSH into your instance

ssh -i <your key pair file>.pem ec2-user@<your instance Public DNS>

Make sure to add the EC2 user ec2-user when running SSH

Install Docker

sudo yum install docker

Add ec2-user to docker

sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user

Exit SSH, log back in, and start Docker

sudo service docker start

You should be able to test Docker with command

docker ps

Get Openshift from Github (scroll all the way to the bottom)


Untar file

tar -xvzf openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.6.0-alpha.0–0343989-linux-64bit.tar.gz

Copy Openshift comand into your bin folder

sudo cp oc /usr/local/bin/

You have to add insecure registry to docker configuration

cd /etc/sysconfig/Add option --insecure-registry to ‘docker’ file

So it should look like the following:

OPTIONS="--default-ulimit nofile=1024:4096 --insecure-registry"

Restart Docker

service docker restart

For AWS EC2 instances you have to configure shared mounts

sudo mount --make-shared /sudo sed -i.bak -e \
's:^\(\ \+\)"$unshare" -m -- nohup:\1"$unshare" -m --propagation shared -- nohup:' \

Now you are ready to start Openshift with oc cluster up command … make sure you are running as root

sudo su -[root@ip-172-31-19-218 ~]#oc cluster up --routing-suffix=<your public AWS EC2 IP address> --public-hostname=<your AWS EC2 public DNS>

