Dan Sargent
3 min readDec 6, 2015

Some things in life are timeless: The Beatles, thank-you notes, whiskey, denim, Monet, Scrabble, and Tom Selleck’s facial hair. These are just a handful of things that will always be cool.

This isn’t always the case for brands, whose desire to remain relevant and modern necessitates the ability to adapt and evolve. After all, even Tom needs a trim from time to time.

It’s easy to focus purely on a logo when we talk about branding. While colour, font and logotypes are all important components, there’s so much more to a brand than just a logo or a slogan. It’s brands that love what they do and care about why they do it — and successfully convey this — that really succeed.

Here at Blue Stag, we’ve made some pretty big business decisions and changes over the last 12 months. We have reflected on what Blue Stag should do, how we should do it and why it matters to us.

With this new vision mapped out on a small library of post-it notes, we needed a new brand to reflect it. We’ve never put limitations on the way we communicate our client’s brands, so why should ours be any different?

Here is the result:


We felt that not having a giant blue stag would be an opportunity missed, so we found one. Meet Sebastian. He’s super friendly.



We wanted the new site to be simple and fun. We wanted to make use of different media and content in clever ways in order to create a unique user experience.

There is an easter egg hidden within the footer of our website…

As ever we’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the changes we’ve made. For any requests to have a ride on Sebastian, please hit us up on Twitter.

- Originally published on Blue Stag



Dan Sargent

Creative Director at @blue___stag. My favourite colour is fluorescent beige and I like to design stuff.