Seriously? You Actually Think I’d Go Out With You?

Danna Reich Colman
P.S. I Love You


Oh, to be young and in love! Or even young and not in love. Oh, to be a Millennial looking for love! There is nothing easy about finding your soulmate no matter who you are or when you’re looking, but I think things have gotten a little easier for girls in the 21st century. My daughters tell me how easy it is to turn down dates these days. They say it’s not much of a problem saying, “No, thank you, but thank you so much for asking me.” Or after a few dates they might say, “I don’t see this going in the direction of a serious relationship, and that’s what I’m looking for.” That’s not how I remember dating… at… all.

When I think about my younger dating years, I remember it like a scene out of “Oklahoma.” I can’t go to the dance with the guy I like because I already said I’d go with a guy I don’t, and I can’t tell that guy I don’t want to go with him, so, instead of being honest, I’ll just drive off in his buggy, err… car, and leave him standing by the side of the road. Nothing was ever as simple as just being honest. Girls were expected to be nice, not honest. I remember how anxious I would become whenever I was asked on a date by someone in whom I had no interest. What was I going to say? What excuse would I give? I could never be honest. Honesty never occurred to me.



Danna Reich Colman
P.S. I Love You

Writer, author and copyeditor. “What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about” ~ J. Wright