Copywriting Vs UX Writing — same same or different?

Danni Bain
2 min readJul 19, 2023


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

With my own background in marketing, and the rise of UX Writing relatively new in terms of its recognition as a dedicated discipline, I’ve witnessed all too often the distinction between the two crafts to be cloudy at best. While it might be uncomfortable for classical copywriters to accept the nuances that birthed the demand for UX Writing to be acknowledged in its own right, it’s not to say the two don’t share similarities, after all the goal of both is to facilitate effective communication and engagement of their audience.

To demonstrate and appreciate the top three distinctions of the two disciplines however, I’ve compiled a list below!

  1. Purpose and Focus: Copywriting primarily aims to persuade and influence the audience towards a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or subscribing to a newsletter. It focuses on crafting compelling, persuasive content that highlights product features, benefits, and unique selling points. On the other hand, UX writing is focused on enhancing the user experience by providing clear, concise, and user-centric content that guides users through a digital interface. The primary goal of UX writing is to facilitate smooth interactions, help users achieve their goals, and eliminate confusion or friction during their journey.
  2. Placement and Scope: Copywriting often takes center stage in marketing materials, such as advertisements, landing pages, product descriptions, and promotional emails. It is visible to users during specific marketing touchpoints and is intended to create a persuasive impact and drive conversions. UX writing, on the other hand, is integrated within the user interface (UI) itself. It includes labels, buttons, menu items, error messages, tooltips, and other microcopy elements that users encounter while navigating a website or app. UX writing focuses on providing clear instructions, feedback, and guidance to facilitate seamless interactions and improve overall user satisfaction.
  3. Tone and Style: Copywriting often employs a persuasive tone, using emotional triggers, storytelling techniques, and persuasive language to create a connection with the audience and inspire action. It is tailored to the brand’s voice and tone, reflecting its personality and values. In contrast, UX writing adopts a more neutral, straightforward tone. It prioritizes clarity, simplicity, and usability over persuasion. UX writers aim to provide clear instructions, eliminate confusion, and maintain consistency in the user interface. The focus is on delivering concise information that is easily understandable and actionable for users.

In summary, copywriting primarily focuses on persuasive content to drive conversions and engagement, while UX writing concentrates on delivering clear, concise, and user-centric content within the digital interface to enhance the user experience. Both disciplines are essential in creating effective digital experiences and often collaborate to ensure a cohesive and impactful overall result.

Have you come across other nuances between the two? Feel free to share below.

Thanks for reading, happy UX’ing!



Danni Bain

Founder, chip&chipmunk. UX/UI Designer, Writer, Coder, Marketer, Artist, Curator.