Why are people moving to Dubai? 9 reasons in 2024

10 min readJan 4, 2024


It feels like everyone is moving to Dubai right now with many social media posts telling the world they finally did it and moved to Dubai!

In the heart of the Arabian Peninsula lies a city that has redefined the possibilities of urban living and over the past few decades, transformed from a small town in the desert to a thriving global hub. Captivating the world’s attention!

In this article, we’ll delve into the 9 main factors that have propelled Dubai into the spotlight and why so many people are choosing to call the United Arab Emirates (UAE) home.

So why does the city have a magnetic appeal, drawing in individuals from every corner of the globe?

1. Economic opportunities

Job Market

Dubai’s allure as a global destination for economic opportunities is unmistakable. The city’s remarkable economic growth is fueled by a dynamic job market.

Dubai is home to booming sectors such as finance, real estate, tourism, and technology. Skilled professionals in fields such as engineering, healthcare, and information technology are in high demand in Dubai, resulting in lucrative job offers for these sectors.

The city’s commitment to economic diversification and innovation positions is an attraction for individuals aspiring to advance their careers and capitalize on the vast opportunities within this dynamic economic hub.

Tax-Free Income

One significant draw for expatriates is the absence of income tax, providing a lucrative incentive for individuals seeking to maximize their earnings.

Unlike many other global cities, Dubai does not impose personal income taxes on its residents. Especially compared to Europe where income tax can be between 40% to 50% of earnings.

Higher Pay

Not all jobs in the UAE have higher pay, but certain fields such as aviation, teaching, and medicine are known to be higher paid compared to many other countries.

Dubai operates a real estate model like the US, with lower base salaries but high broker commissions. However, it is easier for people to migrate to the UAE than the US. Making it popular for those in the real estate sector.

Real estate is fast-paced and competitive in the UAE.

Whether they’ve been offered to relocate from their existing job role or have decided to apply for Dubai-based roles, the job market is one of the largest draws for people coming to Dubai.

As someone who first moved to Dubai in 2013, I know the job market is a lot more competitive than it used to be years ago and gone are the days when ex-pats could pack up their bags, move to Dubai, and easily find a role. However, there are still amazing opportunities in Dubai.

2. Entrepreneurial environment

International business hubs

Dubai has cultivated a supportive environment for entrepreneurs with business-friendly policies and a burgeoning startup ecosystem. This includes creating the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and other free zones, where businesses operate within International business law rather than local law.

New opportunities

There are also business opportunities for expansion both in terms of concepts and brands that don’t yet exist in the region. Creating both jobs and attracting entrepreneurs looking for new ventures.

The city’s commitment to innovation positions itself as a magnet for individuals aspiring to advance their careers and capitalize on the vast opportunities within this economic hub.

Ease of visas

In addition, Dubai has made it easier for expats to set up a business compared to other Gulf countries. There are very few restrictions for entrepreneurs to set up a company and the entire process can be done in around 1 month.

Lower Taxes

Corporation tax, capital gains tax and other taxes involved in operating businesses are lower in Dubai. Yes, it’s no longer a zero-tax country and there can be fees to consider instead of taxes but overall the majority of entrepreneurs benefit from Dubai and the UAE’s tax system.

3. Safety

One of the most common answers you’ll find amongst expats for their reason for moving and staying in Dubai is safety.

The city boasts an exceptionally low crime rate, one of the lowest in the world. Creating a secure environment ideal for single females and families with children. Being able to walk alone late at night, not having to worry about expensive items being stolen or if your children playing outside alone is a massive benefit to living in Dubai.

Dubai’s commitment to maintaining law and order, including stringent legal measures, ensures safety for individuals and families.

Dubai Police are known for their fast response times and Dubai’s technological advances make it harder for criminals to avoid getting caught.

Another aspect sometimes overlooked is the UAE’s excellent political stability. The UAE has good diplomatic relations globally and very few terrorist attacks.

As global uncertainties persist, Dubai’s reputation as a safe haven becomes increasingly attractive, drawing people from various corners of the world who seek a tranquil and secure place to call home.

4. Lifestyle and culture

Modern infrastructure

Dubai isn’t the cheapest city to live in, so one of the factors that often attracts remote workers, entrepreneurs, and other expatriates is the modern infrastructure compared to South Asia or South America.

Its rapid development stands as a testament to its visionary leaders. Renowned for its futuristic skyline, the city has embraced cutting-edge architecture, state-of-the-art transportation systems, and advanced urban planning.

The iconic Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and the Palm Jumeirah, an artificial archipelago, exemplify Dubai’s commitment to pushing the boundaries.

What Dubai has achieved in the last 3 decades is truly incredible and Dubai’s continuous investment in modern infrastructure reflects its forward-thinking attitude.

Dubai is open to newer technologies and known for being accepting of cryptocurrencies. So you’ll also find many people in this sector in Dubai too.

Luxurious living

Dubai has become synonymous with luxurious living, offering a lifestyle that seems to be the height of opulence and excess. You’ll often lose count of how many supercars you see or how many 5-star hotels you’ve visited.

Enormous villas on the iconic Palm Jumeirah and luxury apartments in the Burj Khalifa with panoramic views of the city set the tone for a lifestyle that attracts the ultra-rich.

Even for those not in the ultra-high net-worth bracket, many apartments are spacious and modern with resident-only swimming pools and gyms. Concierges with security are the norm for many buildings.

What would be typical for only a select few opulent apartments in other cities, is the normal for Dubai.

While it is expensive to live, in terms of Dubai’s cost of living, you can afford a more luxurious life compared to other cities. Delivering greater value for money despite the extra expenses.

Many families enjoy having help around the house, drivers and other luxuries that may otherwise be out of reach elsewhere.

The majority of restaurants, lounges and bars are inside luxury hotels and offer free valet parking, so you won’t even need to open your car door or park your car.

Supermarkets have people to pack your groceries and nearly every business offers convenient home delivery. Small electric taxis transport you around the mall and even hiring someone to carry your shopping bags is available.

Dubai is the ultimate city of convenience, it’s easy to get used to being spoilt.

Don’t want to fill your own gas tank? No problem. Don’t feel like walking to the corner shop? We’ll send someone up with your snacks.

Famous names glitter the scene of Dubai along with Michelin-starred restaurants, and exclusive entertainment venues. Residents can indulge in world-class spas, private beach clubs, and elite golf courses. Creating an environment where luxury is not just a privilege but an integral part of daily life.

Dubai makes it very easy to spend all your money on a luxury lifestyle and there’s no shortage of ways to do so. Pretty much every possibility you can think of seems to exist in Dubai. Making it the epitome of luxury for those who don’t mind paying a little more.

Social life

Dubai’s social life is a vibrant tapestry woven with diverse cultures and a dynamic expatriate community, creating an atmosphere of cosmopolitan camaraderie. In fact, this was one of the reasons I moved to Dubai as a solo female from Japan.

You’ll find every nationality imaginable. The large expatriate population makes it much easier to find people with similar interests, your fellow countrymen and due to the outgoing nature of the city, it’s easier to make friends. However, the transient nature of Dubai can make it more difficult to keep them!

The city boasts a smorgasbord of different activities and events, from cultural festivals to world-renowned yearly shows.

It’s an ideal place for building connections both personally and professionally. Yet another reason why people choose to move.

Diverse culture

Dubai is often stereotyped as having no culture which is a false misconception. Yes, it is mostly a modern city but culture isn’t just old buildings and oil paintings.

Much of Dubai’s culture rises from the traditions of Emirati culture and its bedouin routes. Many expats make the mistake of not delving into this side of Dubai and only seeing the online flashy world with attention-catching videos.

However, the culture beneath Dubai is often what entices people to stay in the region. It’s very common for a person to have been on vacation in the city when deciding they want to make it more permanent.

Smelling the beautiful oud as you walk through the mall, hearing the peaceful call to prayer echo and the Islamic traditions that create a welcoming culture for every visitor. In addition to the impeccable cleanliness that is emphasized in Islam.

It’s hard not to get caught up in the magic of the city while watching the Dubai Fountain and Dubai’s culture is part of that charm.

Creating the beautiful tapestry of Dubai.

Tolerance & inclusivity

Tolerance and inclusivity lie at the heart of Dubai’s societal fabric, distinguishing it as a global beacon for coexistence.

In a city that hosts a kaleidoscope of nationalities and cultures, the ethos of acceptance and understanding prevails.

Dubai and the UAE’s leadership has fostered a culture that values diversity, encouraging people of various backgrounds to call Dubai home. Started by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

It is rare to find a city where almost everyone can feel at home and for many Muslims who face racism or Islamaphobia in Europe or the US, it’s a reason to settle in Dubai.

5. Religious Values

The city embraces religious tolerance as a fundamental principle, allowing individuals of various faiths to practice their beliefs freely and openly.

Of course, being a Muslim country, there are many conveniences for those of the Islamic faith. The easy availability of halal food, the numerous mosques in the city, immaculate prayer rooms in the malls and hearing the call to prayer in every part of the city.

All are benefits of living in Dubai as Muslims.

Dubai offers a harmonious blend of modernity and religious values.

6. Strategic Location

Dubai’s strategic location has catapulted it into a global nexus of trade, commerce, and travel. Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, the city serves as a pivotal link between the East and the West.

This geographic advantage has made Dubai an international business hub, facilitating seamless connectivity for businesses and travellers alike. Of course, this also attracts people to live there for business opportunities or due to work.

Adding to its strategic significance is the presence of Dubai International Airport, one of the largest and busiest airports globally. Functioning as a major aviation hub, it is also perfect for those who wish not to be too far away from their families or want to easily travel in their spare time.

7. Warm Weather

Sunny weather at the beach in Dubai
Photo by Jeremy Ricketts on Unsplash

Nestled in the Arabian Desert, Dubai experiences a predominantly arid climate characterized by year-round sunshine.

For individuals seeking respite from colder climates, the city’s warm temperatures offer an appealing escape and you’ll find many Brits saying the warm weather was one of the deciding factors for them.

The consistent sunshine not only creates an ideal environment for outdoor activities but also contributes to the city’s lively atmosphere. Everyone just seems happier.

From pristine beaches to luxurious poolside retreats, Dubai’s climate allows residents and visitors to indulge in a lifestyle that revolves around the outdoors through most of the year.

8. Change in environment

Life circumstances mean someone can crave a change from where they are currently living and it’s extremely common in Dubai to meet people who moved there after a divorce or break-up.

Maybe it’s escapism or maybe it’s because Dubai can offer a better life, especially for older singles.

When asking what made them decide to move, it’s often the ability to go out and have fun without being judged for not being in their 20s or early 30s. Dubai is much more inclusive for the type of crowds you’ll see on a night out.

I’ve seen 90-year-olds celebrating their birthday at Dubai brunch before and it’s common to find couples in their 40s who don’t have kids, enjoying the adult playground that Dubai can be. It’s even nicknamed, “Disney for adults” for this reason.

9. Increased exposure

Many shows have recently popped up showing the glamorous side of Dubai including Dubai Bling, Real Housewives of Dubai and Dubai Hustle.

So of course this publicity attracts people to Dubai hoping to reach their dreams in the city.

This heightened exposure has not only elevated Dubai’s status on the international stage but has also served as a catalyst for those seeking new opportunities and experiences to consider making the move to this thriving metropolis.

Final Thoughts

Dubai’s magnetic allure stems from a collective environment poised for prosperity and fulfilment.

Safety, an essential foundation for any thriving community, is a hallmark of Dubai and one of the highest priorities for ex-pats.

The city’s commitment to fostering economic opportunities has transformed it into a global economic powerhouse, with a flourishing job market, tax-free income, and a supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Last but not least Dubai’s lifestyle offerings, characterized by luxurious living, modern infrastructure, and high-quality amenities, cater to those seeking a harmonious blend of comfort and innovation.

Dubai emerges not just as a place to work and live but as a vibrant and inclusive global community offering safety, economic opportunity, and unparalleled service. Cementing Dubai’s status as one of the best cities to live in the world.

About Danni

Danni has lived in Dubai since 2013, moving from her native country of England. She created her website called Danni in The Desert in 2017 to help provide travel information, things to do in Dubai, visit guides, and other tips for those wanting to visit. She also provides essential information on what it’s like living in Dubai and important things to know before moving there.




Danni helps people move and travel to Dubai after having lived in the region for nearly 10 years and fully enjoying the Dubai expat life