My name is Dannie, and this is my nth attempt at writing a blog. A lot of writers say they will start one, have tried starting one, will get around to eventually thinking of planning to start one. You get the idea. The point is I've thought about this for a long time and attempted it on various platforms, but this time (and I mean it, I promise), I'm going to try and commit to this blog. I think a lot and write a lot and write a lot about the things I think, and I'd like for at least one person to benefit from those things rather than them floating around in the void of my computer. So, here is my heart, on a platter - my thoughts and feelings, perspectives, aches and pains, revels and delights. I hope you like It, here. And maybe, someone else will find a piece of their heart in the remnants of mine.

Dannie Aro

Dannie Aro

Writer, lover, reader. Has little idea of what she’s doing, but is having fun figuring it out.