Old friends

Daniel Duque
3 min readJul 25, 2023


I am at a café, waiting for my childhood friend to show up. We haven’t seen each other for a while now, and I kind of wonder why. It’s been longer than it should have.

I’m drinking some coffee while waiting. It’s five minutes past the time we agreed on, but it’s fine. He’s Icelandic, anyway. But also, he might be stuck in traffic.

Another ten minutes pass by, and I’m already on my second mug. Could the traffic be that bad? I mean, it’s July, so most people are out of town. Maybe he missed the bus — yes, that’s probably it. The summer changes to public transport schedules are really annoying. Either way, I will text him to let him know I’m already there. Maybe he can let me know how long he will take to get here.

Another fifteen minutes. At that point, I’m drinking a beer. No reply to my last message. Could he be cross with me? Is he upset that I had not reached out to him sooner? Maybe it’s better to ask him if everything is alright.

Yet another twenty minutes, and no reply. I’m on my third beer already. But now, it’s clear to me. How stupid of me to let it go unnoticed. Two months ago, I started dating Frida, his high school girlfriend. I never felt the need to tell him, because, well, it’s been so long since then. However, he might have found out about that on his own, and now he is pissed off. What a terrible friend I am. This is obviously his way to get back at me.

Ten minutes later, I check my phone again. He finally replied. Ok, great, I will know the fate of our relationship. Then, I read the message: “Sorry, dude, I overslept”.

Suddenly, it all came back to me on why we had not seen each other in so long.

I’m pouring some coffee into my mug. I mean, I could have some at the café, but why pay for it, if I can have some at home? I look at the clock. Hm… I’m actually a bit late already. But no worries, I can manage it.

Damn, I spilt some coffee on my shirt. Now I will have to change again. Red or Brown? Nah, I guess I will wear the gray one instead.

My phone beeped. He is letting me know he is there already. Ok, no problem, he’s probably just arrived. Should I take the bus or walk instead? Well, it’s a beautiful day outside, and it’s gonna be nice to stretch my legs a bit.

On my way, however, I see that the book I wanted to buy is on sale on the bookstore next to my place. Ok, I should just buy it then.

Done! My phone beeped again. He’s asking if I’m alright. Well, I couldn’t be any better! Actually, I’ve heard the beginning if the book is really good. Maybe I can take some little time now to read it a bit.

Wow, ten pages already! And my friends say I’m a slow reader. But ok, I guess I should check the clock again. Oh, I’m an hour late… Great. Now he’s getting what he deserves. Nobody dates my Frida and goes unpunished. Well, I should text him now. I will just say I overslept.

