I need your boots, your clothes, and your job. Oh, and possibly your child’s mind too.

Why teachers should be afraid of autocrats using automation to replace them.

As journalists laud automation in the classroom, are dictators smelling opportunities to sharpen technological tools of social control.

Double D
7 min readMar 19, 2019


Wine bottles dressed as robots aka ‘The Modern Teacher’.

AAutomation threatening minimum wage jobs isn’t a new story. But now the claim that middle income jobs are also under threat, with skilled professions such as lawyers, doctors, accountants and teachers (like myself) likely to face extinction via automation. But losing teachers to automation might present far worse existential threats to our children’s future that extends beyond job security.

With society beginning to feel the encroachment of automation commentators approach the issue with wildly varied opinions. From the Universal Basic Income driven utopian Hollywood Ending version all the way down to the coming 4th Industrial Revolution Job Apocalypse, the concerns and potential benefits are becoming clearer as people continue to decide how much to embrace automation.

“It seems to me vital to remember that we ourselves are human beings and…



Double D

Bangkok based father and teacher. Dedicated to exploring the truths in lies but never interested in making lies about truths. https://twitter.com/DanielDaniels4