Tekton On IBM Cloud — Introduction

Daniel Butler
2 min readJan 23, 2020


So after 6 years on Jenkins, I think its time to pick up a new continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) tool. Tekton is an open-source Kubernetes native framework for building CI/CD pipelines. Let's start with a quick overview of Tekton.

Ok, so how does this relate to IBM Cloud? IBM Cloud Continuous Deliver product now supports Tekton pipelines. This provides a dashboard to run and manage your pipelines. On top of this, they also provide managed workers to run your pipelines so no new infrastructure required on your end. (Note: At time of writing this is in beta with some restrictions and is only available in Dallas region see the documentation for more info). We bring our source control they bring the rest!

Looking around I could not find a tutorial that suited my needs. This will be an attempt to create the guide I was looking for. Hopefully, I will have taken the hard work out of finding the relevant information and consolidate it into a single place. There is a lot to get through so I’ll try to only get into the details of parts we need as we need them. I am leaning this as we go so if I get something wrong or there is a better way of doing something please post in the comments and we can learn together.

All the code will be available on Github https://github.com/danielbu-ibm/Tekton-Tutorial. I recommend you create a free IBM Cloud account if you do not already have one so you can follow along. https://cloud.ibm.com/

Let's go learn!



Daniel Butler

Software Engineer for IBM. Over 10 years experience building automation solutions. “Automate All The Things!”