8 best places to learn Javascript (2018 Updated Free & Paid)

Danny Huang
5 min readAug 20, 2018


Today, web programming is more important and lucrative than ever. The Internet is progressively becoming the basic means of humanity to do anything from communications to finance. Therefore, if you are a programmer, it is essential that you learn to build web pages and web apps. And right now, there is no web language more important and versatile than JavaScript. JavaScript is a front-end web development language, but it can also be used for databases, back-end development, servers, etc. The famous stack MEAN (MongoDB — Express — AngularJS — Node.JS) works with a single base language: JavaScript.

Today, according to Indeed.com, the average annual salary of a JavaScript developer in the United States is $ 110,914 per year. This shows the great importance that JavaScript has acquired today as a full-stack web development language. However, it also has other virtues: it´s very easy to learn (and recommended for novices who do not know anything about programming), it´s everywhere (including Big Data, cloud computing, databases, video games …), it´s quite demanded, and last but not least, sooner or later you will have to use JavaScript, because nowadays almost everything goes through the Internet.

Here I leave you the best courses I know about JavaScript.

Paid courses

  1. The Complete JavaScript Course 2018 — Build Real Projects
The Complete JavaScript Course 2018 — Build Real Projects

This course is one of the deepest courses that Udemy offers about Javascript, being its teacher one of its best instructors, Jonas. This course is intended for all types of programmers: complete novices who want to learn to program, intermediate developers, or expert programmers.

Jonas will teach you the basics of the language, how JS works under the hood, DOM manipulation, modern modules such as NPM and Webpack, asynchronous Javascript (events loop, AJAX), and the latest developments in ES6. You will have to make three applications from the real world and pass a final exam with 30 questions to test your knowledge. Without a doubt, it´s highly recommended.

💻The Complete JavaScript Course (LINK)

2) JavaScript — Understanding the Weird Parts

JavaScript- Understanding the Weird Parts

This course by Anthony Alicea is intended for experienced programmers or with basic knowledges of JavaScript who want to learn in depth how this language under the hood is. For something this is one of the most popular courses of JS in Udemy. You will learn the beauty of the most bizarre and incomprehensible parts of Javascript. You will learn advanced concepts such as objects, inheritance of prototypes, functional programming, constructors of functions, calls, and so on. You will also do a deep immersion in the source code of popular frameworks like jQuery and you will learn to be able to create your own library or JavaScript framework. It´s recommended.

💻JavaScript — Understanding the Weird Parts(LINK)

3) Modern JavaScript from the Beginning

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

This Brad Traversy course is intended for anyone who wants to learn JavaScript from scratch, without libraries or frameworks. Whether you are a beginner or an expert developer, you will learn from basic fundamentals to advanced programming: basic concepts, DOM manipulation, OOP, ES2015+, asynchronous JS and regular expressions. You will have to perform 10 real-world projects, such as a Chuck Norris Joke Generator, a GitHub search engine, a WeatherJS application and as a final project, a CRUD front-end for API REST. It´s recommended.

💻Modern JavaScript from the Beginning(LINK)

4) The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2018):

The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2018)

This is one of the most popular JavaScript courses at Udemy, and was created this year by Andrew Mead. This Bootcamp starts from scratch and is intended for both new and programmers who want to learn how to create a complete application and explore the latest of ES6 and ES7. This course has 80 challenges and 3 JavaScript app projects that will test your knowledges. Of course, some may think that Andrew’s teaching style is much accelerated. However, this course is highly recommended.

💻The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2018)(LINK)

5) Learn JavaScript for Web Development:

Learn JavaScript for Web Development

This popular Udemy course is focused mainly on teaching the basic fundamentals of the language, being mainly aimed at beginners who want to learn to program. Each unit has its own quiz, readings and code assignments to polish your skills. As a final project, you will have to create an interactive web page. The instructor explains the basics of JS in a simple and easy to understand way. It is very good.

💻Learn JavaScript for Web Development(LINK)

6) Accelerated JavaScript Training:

Accelerated JavaScript Training

This course of Maximilian Schwarzmüller is one of the most popular of Udemy, despite not having been updated since the end of 2016. It is a basic course for programmers who have never played Javascript. You will learn about the basics of language, POO, in-depth modules on arrays, objects and prototypes, DOM interaction, AJAX, events and the use of frameworks and libraries. This course has one of the best Udemy support services, in addition to hundreds of examples and a complete project to practice what you have learned in this course.

💻Accelerated JavaScript Training(LINK)

Free courses:

1) CodeAcademy — Introduction to JavaScript: this CodeAcademy course is intended for novice programmers who want to learn about JavaScript. You can learn the basic basics of the language, and even the basics of objects, classes and modules, but you should be aware that if you are looking for a more advanced course, you must do the courses offered by CodeAcademy on AngularJS, ReactJS and jQuery.


2) JavaScript30: this free, basic and simple 30-day course is essentially a coding challenge. You will learn to build 30 different applications in 30 days with 30 tutorials, without frameworks or libraries. Wes Bos has created this course specifically for beginners, intermediate developers and designers who seek to learn to work in DOM without a library.

This course requires a basic knowledge of Javascript and proposes to learn application by application, staying away from design patterns, frameworks and any type of abstraction. It is a highly recommended interactive course, without a doubt.


Bonus — Learn ES6: this course allows us to learn, in a fast, easy and simple way, some of the new features of JavaScript with ES6 (ECMAScript 2015), such as generators, REST parameters, Maps, etcetera. It is a “montage” with several instructors, being John Lindquist the main professor.


If you are interested in other courses on Udemy. Use this link to get 10$ for every course.


