Unhinged Quotes That Helped Me More Than Therapy

Ominously Positive Quotes to Make You Say, Fuck It.

3 min readOct 11, 2023

Because, sometimes, all you need is the gusto that comes with not giving a fuck.

I’ve done a lot of therapy. Talked endlessly about my feelings, and pondered ‘why?’ whilst delicately unpacking trauma. All while a therapist purrs ‘And how does that make you feel?’

And while that’s great for long-term healing, there’s nothing like an unhinged quote to shake off the shackles.

Go on, be ungovernable.

Rolling Highlands of Stupid

‘How dull for you to live your life without any hills to die on. On you vast, flat, barren plains of compromise, acceptance, and accommodation — while I reign supreme over the lush, rolling highlands of stupid shit I have irrationally chosen to stake my whole identity on.’

When I read this I belly-laughed. This actually pulled me out of the pit of despairs I’d been wallowing in — it's like someone wrote down my innermost thoughts. Truly inspiring.

I will continue to reign supreme over stupid shit I’ve staked my whole identity on.

Go on, ruin it

When you ruin you’re reputation, you can live quite freely

