A Complete Guide To Boost Sales With Shopify Bundles

5 min readOct 16, 2023

Shopify bundles are an effective strategy to capture your customers’ attention and encourage them to make more purchases by offering bundles. Bundles have been a popular marketing tactic for years, and with the rise of online shopping, they’ve become even more crucial. If you’re running your online store on Shopify, you’re in luck because Shopify bundles are a fantastic tool to help boost your sales. You’ve hit the jackpot if you have the support of the Best Shopify Development Company. They can help you with implementing the correct bundles with your e-commerce store that will capture the attention of your target audience.

What Are Shopify Bundles?

Shopify bundles are a collection of two or more related products that are sold together as a single package for a discounted price. The idea is simple: by offering complementary products at a bundled rate, you can encourage customers to spend more and increase the average order value. For example, a fashion retailer might offer a bundle consisting of a dress, matching shoes, and a handbag at a lower price than if the customer were to purchase each item separately. This incentivizes the shopper to make a more significant purchase.

Benefits Of Using Shopify Bundles For Your Store

Bundles play a vital role in bringing a new audience to your Shopify store. According to Trusted Shopify Development Partners, implementing bundles to your store increases the traffic to your Shopify store. If your products are good for customers, a positive word of mouth would lead to even more sales. Here are some of the benefits of using Shopify bundles:

Increase Average Order Value

Bundles entice customers to buy more than they initially intended. When they see a deal that offers more value for their money, they’re more likely to add extra items to their cart, ultimately increasing the average order value.

Clear Inventory

If you have excess inventory for certain products, creating bundles with those items can help you move them quickly. This can be particularly helpful when you need to make room for new merchandise.

Boost Customer Loyalty

Bundles can provide your customers with a convenient and cost-effective way to purchase multiple related items in one go. When customers feel like they’ve found a great deal, they’re more likely to come back to your store for future purchases.

Attract New Customers

By promoting your bundles effectively, you can draw new customers to your online store. Shoppers who were initially looking for one item may find a bundle more appealing and discover products they didn’t know they needed.

Cross-Selling and Upselling

Bundles are an excellent way to cross-sell and upsell your products. You can encourage customers to buy a more expensive bundle by showcasing the value and savings they’ll get.

Steps to Create Shopify Bundles

Creating bundles on Shopify is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow as advised by the best Shopify development Company:

Step 1: Access Your Shopify Dashboard

Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard.

Step 2: Create a New Product

To create a bundle, you need to add a new product. In your Shopify admin, go to “Products” and click “Add product.”

Step 3: Configure Product Details

Fill in the product details, such as the title and description. You can also add images to make your bundle visually appealing.

Step 4: Set the Price

Set a competitive and discounted price for your bundle. Ensure that the bundle price offers significant savings compared to buying each item individually.

Step 5: Bundle Products

Under the “Variants” section, click “Add variant” and create a new variant. This is where you can add the individual products that make up the bundle. You can also set the quantity of each item in the bundle.

Step 6: Adjust Inventory

If you have limited quantities of the items included in the bundle, be sure to manage the inventory accurately. This will prevent overselling and disappointment for customers.

Step 7: Publish the Bundle

Once you’ve configured all the necessary details, click “Save” to publish your bundle.

Step 8: Promote the Bundle

After creating the bundle, it’s crucial to promote it on your website and other marketing channels. Use enticing images, and clear descriptions, and emphasize the value customers will receive.

Best Practices for Creating Effective Bundles

Now that you know how to create bundles let’s explore some best practices to make your Shopify bundles more effective:

Understand Your Customers

  • Before creating bundles, you must understand your target audience and their preferences. What products do they frequently buy together? What are their pain points? Tailor your bundles to meet their needs.

Offer Genuine Value

  • Your bundles should genuinely provide value to the customer. Make sure the discount or cost savings are clear and enticing. Customers should feel like they’re getting a great deal.

Bundle Complementary Products

  • The items in your bundle should complement each other. For example, if you’re selling smartphones, bundle them with screen protectors, cases, or headphones.

Highlight Savings

  • Make the savings obvious. Display the original prices of the items alongside the bundled price to show the discount. You can also use compelling language like “Save 30% with this bundle.”

Use High-Quality Images

  • Visuals are essential in e-commerce. Use high-quality images that showcase the products in the bundle together. This helps customers visualize the value they’re getting.

Promote Bundles on the Homepage

  • Place your bundles prominently on your homepage or in a dedicated section, so customers can easily find them.

Create Seasonal Bundles

  • A best Shopify development company would advise to take advantage of special occasions or holidays to create themed bundles. For example, you can offer “Back to School” or “Holiday Gift” bundles.

Limited-Time Offers

  • Encourage urgency by running limited-time bundle promotions. This can create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) and drive more sales.

Suggest Bundles During Checkout

  • Implement a feature that suggests bundles to customers as they add individual items to their cart. This can increase the chances of upselling. Top shopify development partners can handle the implementation process with ease for you.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on the performance of your bundles through Shopify analytics. If a particular bundle isn’t doing well, consider tweaking it or discontinuing it.

Shopify bundles are a powerful tool to increase sales, attract new customers, and enhance customer loyalty. When executed correctly, bundles can have a significant impact on your e-commerce business. Take the time to understand your customers, create appealing bundles, and actively promote them on your website and marketing channels. Do not be intimidated of the various bundles available, Shopify can help you chose the best bundles for your e-commerce store. For starters, here is a list of the top 10 best bundle apps for your Shopify store from a best Shopify development company.

