#ODC2015: New Business Model

Daniel Lee
2 min readJun 3, 2015

This post is part of a series from the On-Demand Conference, organized by Pascal Levy-Garboua, Semil Shah, and Tradecraft. For a full list of posts, click here.

On-Demand services already make people’s lives better. Today, with a touch of few buttons anyone can do something they wanted to do, but couldn’t. For things they could, now they can do even better. Bloomthat allows people to make thoughtful gestures. Instacart allows people to shop quicker and better. Alfred allo people to not do what they don’t want to do. Classpass allows people to find interesting classes and meet likeminded people.

“What we’re doing is creating a new opportunity to make an impact and represent the person well” David Bludow (CEO, BloomThat) TWEET THIS

“It’s about us being better at grocery shopping than you can be” Max Mullen (Founder, Instacart) TWEET THIS

“Comfort to me is about having time. It’s not about frivolous convenience” Marcela Sapone (CEO, Alfred) TWEET THIS

“With Classpass we’re seeing people work out more” Valerie Meyer (SF GM, ClassPass) TWEET THIS

With time, best On-Demand services will naturally get better because they have to in order to survive. In this business trust is everything and they cannot afford to lose. These services know this fact and they are doing everything to improve the customer experience.

But don’t expect these services to exist everywhere soon! The main theme about the On-Demand service is connecting people and business. Naturally this impacts where these business can grow. Their expansion strategy often depends on the supply and quality of the businesses in a given area.

“We know we can grow the network, what’s important is which city has the strong network” Valerie Meyer (SF GM, ClassPass) TWEET THIS

“For us (expansion factor) is partially about where our partners want to be in” Max Mullen (Founder, Instacart) TWEET THIS

This post was written by Danny Lee. Danny is a product designer at Tradecraft.

You can find the full list of posts about the On-Demand Conference here.

