A Brief Overview Of Real Estate App Development — Cost And Features

5 min readFeb 20, 2020


Real estate is one of the fastest-growing industries across the world. Many entrepreneurs are coming forward to invest in the real estate business because of its endless opportunities. With mobile apps in the scene, the growth of the real estate industry has been even more astounding.

If you are an entrepreneur interested in real estate app development, this article is for you! Read further to know about the cost and features to develop a stellar real estate app that would scale up your business to greater heights.

What is the need for real estate app development?

  • Entrepreneurship has become a trend these days. This has resulted in huge demand for commercial properties.
  • Besides, as a result of the population explosion and nuclear family system, there is a high demand for residential properties as well. According to the statistics, almost 3/4th of the buyers found a residential property that met their preferences.
  • In addition, the development in the travel and tourism industry also has an influence on the demand for real estate properties.

Such factors clubbed together have skyrocketed the real estate industry. To cope up with this immense growth, real estate app development is very much needed.

Must-have Features in a real estate app

When you invest in a real estate app, make sure that your developers add the following essential features.

  • Log in/ sign up

Users should be able to create an account or log in using mobile numbers, email IDs, or social media accounts.

  • User profile

Users should be able to modify their profiles. All basic information about the users (buyers, sellers, or lessors) should be provided on the profile, including their names, contact information, etc.

  • Property listings

The various properties that are available for sale, rent, or lease should be listed in the app.

  • Search options

Users should be able to search for properties of their preferences easily. Options like sort, filter, etc., should be provided.

  • 3D property view

In this fast-paced life, people don’t find the time to visit the property and have a look at it. For their benefits, the app should have a 3D view of the property.

  • GPS integration

The app should be integrated with a GPS navigations system. This will enable users to search for properties in their preferred location.

  • Favorites

Users should be able to maintain a list of their favorite properties. This will help them to evaluate the options without any hassles.

  • Personalization

The app should be integrated with machine learning tools to provide users with personalized search results. This will make the users feel more connected to the app.

  • User panel — for customers and agents

The app should have an effective panel for customers as well as the agents to effectively manage their activities.

  • In-app calling and chat

Users should be able to make in-app calls and send messages to other users. This gives an ease of accessibility.

  • Content management

The app should allow users to view, post, or share content like news and blogs. This serves as a great tool for digital content marketing.

  • Data analytics

The app should provide detailed data analytics about the performance of the app, customer behavior, etc. Users should be able to download the reports if necessary.

  • Payment methods

The app should be integrated with multiple secured payment gateways to enable fast and safe transactions. The use of blockchain technology is also recommended.

The aforementioned are the most popular features. However, by giving wings to your imagination, you can make the app more enjoyable and interactive by adding other futuristic approaches like AR, VR, MR, etc.

Cost of development

It is not really possible to give an exact number, but there are ways to make a rough estimate of the development cost. The following are the various factors that determine the cost of mobile app development for the real estate business.

  • Feature set

The feature set of the app has a significant influence on the cost of development. An app that has only the basic features will cost less than that has a lot of advanced features.

  • Type of solution

Depending upon the type of the app development solution provided by the company, the cost differs. There are three commonly provided solutions, including white-labeled solutions, turnkey solutions, and Bitcoin solutions.

  • Project duration

When do you expect your app to be ready? What is the expected duration of the project? The duration of the project is a very important aspect to be considered to ascertain the development cost. If you rush the process, then the team might charge you extra, as they will have to put on hold all the other projects and do yours on priority.

  • Experience and size of the development team

Yes, this matters too! If the team is well experienced, then they will be ready to solve most of the challenges that you might face along the way throughout the lifecycle of the app, as they would have undergone many such situations earlier. In addition, if the team is considerably large, they can manage the tasks in a better way. However, you will have to spend more.

  • The complexity of the project

The development cost also depends hugely on the complexity of the project. If the project is very complex, you will have to shell out more money when compared to a relatively simpler project.

  • Impact factor of the project

Most of the companies don’t take this into consideration, but a few do. This is nothing but the impact that your project might create in the industry. Based on the impact factor, the development fees might increase.

However, at the end of the day, never ever compromise on the quality in an attempt to lower the development cost. Else, the possible failures after launching the app might not be so good for your pockets!

Summing Up!

Voila! This is how real estate apps have been revolutionizing the real estate industry. Go ahead and get benefitted by leveraging the app development technology. For professional help, approach a real estate mobile app development company. But make sure they have enough potential as well as resources to meet your business requirements.

Source URL: https://www.rewardbloggers.com/blog/6102/a-brief-overview-of-real-estate-app-development-cost-and-features

