Pirate against my will

2 min readSep 15, 2018


This is a short confession of me being a pirate due to distribution agreements of the production companies and movie makers.

I like movies quite a lot. Therefore I would appreciate if I could support the creators with a small amount of money, say equivalent of a cinema ticket. But this is not available in my region, Google Play, Vimeo, Youtube Movies and other streaming services are saying.

What can I do? I can buy the movie on Amazon, which I prefer not to support, or order the DVD, what takes too long and with all the postal fees it’s not even an option. But I want to watch the movie now or in a close future. I have my credit card ready to pay, but who can I sent my money, if no one is available?

Piratebay is always behind. Just few clicks and I have a movie in a comparable quality for free. No one will get my money, no one will be supported. I am not talking about movies made by biggest production houses, I want to support independent, artsy, or European movie makers, position of whom is not as easy as is the Hollywood ones’.

We, Eastern Europeans, have waited for some time until Spotify reached this region. I cannot imagine my life without streaming the music all day long. Internet is here, we are using Youtube, Imdb, Google apps on daily basis, but we are not an interesting region for right-holders even if we want to pay for the content. This is just something I won’t be able to understand.

I want to watch a movie. It’s not in the cinema, it’s not available to buy or rent it on online platforms, it’s not available to stream it, but it is on piratebay. I said I want to watch a movie, also I want to pay for it. But my willingness ends if options are not available. I can use VPN, shop via iTunes or order the DVD, but that is something I would like not to do. So I download it from torrent. My conscience cries, but I will feed the rest of my mind with the good movie.

