5 Tips To Make Your App Super Sticky And Keep Users Coming Back

Dan Taylor
4 min readJul 22, 2020

I was running through our stats recently and found something extraordinary. One of our users, who is a premium paying user, has had our app for 2 years. In that time they have been active within our app for a whopping 23 (twenty-three) days, or 552 hours.

If my maths serves me right that’s around 45 minutes per day using our app. Every day. For 2 years. Given the average Facebook user uses their service for 58 minutes per day I think that’s pretty good going.

So anyway, this got me to thinking, why does this user keep coming back? What do they enjoy so much about our app that it has become such an integral part of their lives? Here’s what I came up with.

1. Target a niche with a LOT of potential users

Okay so right off the bat, we were at an advantage. The app we created provides football news for teams in the English top 4 divisions. Football is the most popular sport in the world, with an estimated 3.5 billion fans.

Not only is football popular, in the UK football is almost like a religion to a lot of fans. Fans of teams such as Glasgow Rangers, Celtic, Newcastle United, Milwall and others have a reputation for being almost tribal.

