Step 2018 — Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dan Taylor
4 min readFeb 11, 2019

The Step Conference takes place in Dubai every year. Usually in the spring, the team decided to shake things up this year and move it to the middle of winter. Which, given the temps in northern Europe vs. the temps in Dubai right now … smart move.

I’m absolutely gutted that I can’t make it this year (ya’ll will find out why soon, but a wise woman once told me not to count any chickens until they’re hatched, so until that day comes … cards close to the chest. For now.).

One of the aspects I enjoy most about Step is it’s location. Sure, it’s Dubai, which means the weather is always fantastic, but more so that it’s situated at the cross roads of the world. I regularly meet folks from Europe, Africa, The Middle East, and Asia all in one location.

Admittedly, it might be a bit far for the Americans to travel, but hey, they’ve always got Europe and Asia right?

In so much, if you know me, you know I absolutely love to travel and love to see and experience new things. Dubai…

