Everything is a Language: Deciphering Our Reality

4 min readJun 1, 2023


The world around us is an intricate web of systems, experiences, and phenomena, all striving to communicate something. How do we make sense of this barrage of information? We employ the use of languages. Often, when we speak of language, we limit our thinking to verbal or written forms of communication. But, as we journey through life, we realise that our world is full of languages beyond words. Emotions, music, mathematics, physics — each serves as a unique language that enables us to decipher the reality we exist in. In this blog post, we will dive deep into the fascinating concept of everything as a language and how this perception aids our understanding of the world.

Emotions: The Silent Conversations Within Us

Language is perhaps the most straightforward tool of communication we possess. It includes words — spoken or written — that we use to share our thoughts, express our emotions, and describe our experiences. But what happens when words fail us?

Emotions are subjective experiences that often elude linguistic definitions. We all encounter an array of emotions throughout our lives, each feeling as distinct as the moment it corresponds to. We have a robust emotional vocabulary that includes words like “happy,” “sad,” “excited,” “angry,” and many more. These words help us understand our internal state, share our feelings with others, and empathise with the emotions of those around us.

Consider the experience of happiness. This seemingly simple emotion exhibits a multitude of shades. It can be joyous, euphoric, content — each representing a different level or facet of happiness. We use these emotional descriptors to articulate our experiences, thereby painting a vivid picture for ourselves and others.

However, there are moments when our feelings escape verbal definitions. Have you ever felt a shiver of inexplicable unease in an empty house? Or a peculiar mix of nostalgia and sorrow when you stumble upon an old photograph? Some feelings are too nuanced, too personal to be captured entirely by our existing vocabulary. In such instances, we resort to words like “eerie” or remain silent, allowing the emotion to resonate within us unlabelled.

Our ability to respond to and process these situations is intimately tied to our emotional vocabulary. This realisation underscores the pivotal role that language plays in shaping our understanding and perception of the world. Emotions, in essence, are a silent language that we are continually learning and refining throughout our lives.

Music: An Universal Language That Transcends Borders

Music, with its harmonies, rhythms, and melodies, forms a unique language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. Like any language, it has a set of fundamental elements — notes, chords, progressions — which serve as its alphabet.

Instead of identifying pitches by their frequency or position in an octave, we assign names such as ‘C’ or ‘E’. This system simplifies musical communication, allowing us to converse about compositions without needing an in-depth understanding of the science behind sound.

Music exhibits a grammar of its own, a structure that dictates the formation of melodies and harmonies. This syntax, combined with the emotional expressiveness of music, enables us to weave tales, express feelings, and share ideas. It is a universal language that has the unique ability to express the inexpressible, evoke emotions, and unify individuals across cultures and languages.

Mathematics and Physics: Languages of the Natural World

If music is the language of emotion, then mathematics and physics are languages of the natural world. They provide us with vocabularies and grammatical structures that allow us to understand, explain, and predict natural phenomena.

Mathematics employs concepts like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division — basic building blocks that enable us to construct intricate numerical narratives. Physics, on the other hand, uses laws and principles to describe interactions and relationships in the physical world. Consider Coulomb’s law, which condenses the complex interaction between charged objects into a simple, comprehensible statement.

By establishing these mathematical and physical languages, we create frameworks that encapsulate the elaborate dynamics of our world. They enable us to build complex theories, make predictions, and further our understanding of the universe.

Interpreting Reality through a Linguistic Lens

When we view our world through the lens of language, it becomes apparent that everything we interact with, everything we experience, is a form of language. We are continually constructing, refining, and expanding these languages to gain a deeper understanding of our reality.

The emotions we feel, the music we listen to, the mathematics and physics that explain our world — these are all languages, each defining a unique aspect of our reality. By recognising this, we can appreciate the beauty, intricacy, and utility of the languages we have created. It also emphasises the importance of continually enriching our vocabulary and refining our understanding across all forms of language.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of the world, we become more fluent in the languages we have established. We understand our emotions better, appreciate the nuances in music more deeply, and grasp the principles of mathematics and physics with greater clarity. This dance of comprehension, expression, and discovery that is life, becomes more intricate and rewarding.

By understanding that everything is a language, we transform our perception of the world. We realise that every experience, every interaction, and every observation is an opportunity to learn a new word, a new sentence, or a new grammar rule in this universal language of life. This realisation, in turn, equips us to better interpret, appreciate, and navigate the intricate tapestry of reality.




Hi, I am a data scientist by profession and I like to talk about faith, politics and society