The Real Price of Convenience: Unpacking Bangalore’s Exorbitant Cab Fares

5 min readMay 31, 2023


Bangalore, popularly known as the Silicon Valley of India, is a vibrant city that serves as a hub for technological innovation and opportunities. Yet, amidst the buzz and hustle, the city’s inhabitants and visitors encounter a persistent issue — the skyrocketing costs of cab fares. This has become a significant pain point for individuals who rely on services like Uber and Ola for their daily commute. The surge in fares, especially during peak hours, is a complex issue that needs to be unpacked to fully understand the array of contributing factors and to identify potential solutions. To this end, we need to dissect the various elements that contribute to this issue, such as the lives of cab drivers, the challenges posed by the city’s infrastructure, and the systemic problems that Bangalore faces.

The Delicate Balance of Cab Drivers’ Earnings

At the heart of this issue are the cab drivers who aim to earn at least a modest sum of INR 30,000 per month to meet their living expenses. To achieve this, they need to earn at least INR 1300 per day, considering they work for 8 hours a day for 22 days a month. Given that the average speed on Bangalore’s roads ranges between 18–20km/hr, it takes approximately an hour to traverse 20km. If a driver manages to complete five such rides each day, they would need to charge around INR 250 per ride to meet their daily target.

However, this calculation only presents a part of the story. After factoring in the fuel costs for a 20km ride (considering a mileage of 18km/ltr) and the charges taken by cab aggregators (which range from 20% to 30%), the fare increases to INR 450. The fare can surge even further during peak hours when the average speed reduces to 15km/hr, resulting in charges as high as INR 40–50/km. Consequently, drivers are caught in a predicament, striving to balance between providing affordable services and earning a sustainable income.

Examining the Infrastructure and Traffic Challenges in Bangalore

The primary reason behind the escalating cab fares is the city’s inadequately planned and strained infrastructure. Let’s consider some of the key challenges:

Inadequate Public Transport: The public transport system in Bangalore struggles to cater to the city’s ever-growing population. This results in an increased reliance on private vehicles and cabs, thereby escalating traffic congestion.

Poor Infrastructure Planning: Problems such as improper U-turns, multiple roads converging at a single point causing bottlenecks, and damaged footpaths not only exacerbate traffic congestion but also pose serious safety risks.

Government Regulations and Fare Revision: Recent changes in taxi fare regulations by the Karnataka government have added to the fare burden. Following protests by driver associations for a unified tariff, the government revised taxi fares, resulting in an increase ranging from 35% to 92%, depending on the vehicle type.

Inadequate Traffic Policing: A lack of stringent enforcement allows rampant violation of parking rules, which further constricts the city’s already crowded roads.

Insufficient Parking Spaces: The scarcity of parking spots in the city aggravates the issue of roadside parking, creating additional obstacles for ongoing vehicles.

Neglected Infrastructure for Cyclists: The absence of designated lanes for bicycles renders this eco-friendly and traffic-light mode of transportation unfeasible for most residents.

Poor Driving Etiquette: Widespread disregard for traffic rules, such as driving on the wrong side or ignoring traffic signals, adds to the overall chaos on the roads.

Aggressive Driving by Cab Drivers: In a bid to make more trips, some cab drivers resort to reckless driving, further exacerbating traffic congestion and raising safety concerns.

The Role of Different Stakeholders

In this situation, the stakeholders include the government, the cab aggregators, the drivers, and the riders. While it may seem easier to pin the blame on one party, the reality is more complex. Each stakeholder plays a role in this issue. The government needs to ensure equitable regulations, cab aggregators need to strike a balance between their profit margins and service affordability, and drivers need to adhere to traffic rules to ensure safe and efficient service.

Potential Solutions for High Cab Fares

Addressing the rising cab fares in Bangalore demands a comprehensive and inclusive approach. It necessitates catering to both the welfare of the drivers and the city’s infrastructure needs. Here are some potential solutions based on recent studies and expert suggestions:

Invest in Public Transport: A robust, reliable, and comprehensive public transport system can significantly reduce dependence on private cabs, thereby easing traffic congestion. Following the lead of cities like Delhi and Mumbai, which have made substantial investments in metro rail systems, could be a potential solution.

Improve Traffic Infrastructure: It is crucial to enhance traffic infrastructure with wider roads, strategically placed U-turns, and ample parking spaces. Stringent traffic regulations, combined with rigorous enforcement, can deter traffic violations and streamline the flow of vehicles.

Promote Cycling Infrastructure: Establishing dedicated bicycle lanes can encourage more people to opt for this eco-friendly mode of transport, reducing traffic congestion and curbing pollution.

Reconsider Cab Aggregator Charges: Regulating the commission taken by cab aggregating companies or introducing surge pricing only during peak hours could help make cab fares more affordable without cutting into the drivers’ income.

Encourage Carpooling and Shared Cabs: Promoting carpooling and shared cab services can effectively reduce the number of vehicles on the road, helping to alleviate traffic congestion and lower individual travel costs.


In conclusion, the rising cab fares in Bangalore are symptomatic of deeper systemic issues. These include the struggle of cab drivers to earn a fair wage, the inadequate and poorly planned infrastructure, and the escalating traffic problems. This complex problem requires a multifaceted solution. By systematically and inclusively addressing these underlying issues, we can pave the way for a more affordable and efficient urban transportation system in India’s Silicon Valley.

The blog post is based on a rational analysis of why cab fares from service providers like Uber and Ola are expensive in Bangalore. The explanation takes into account the minimum income that cab drivers need to earn for a decent living and the traffic conditions in Bangalore that make it challenging for fares to be cheaper. The deeper exploration of the reasons behind the city’s poor traffic conditions, such as inadequate public transport, poor road and infrastructure planning, lack of stringent traffic policing, and the lack of driving etiquette among citizens, reveals a complex picture.




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