How Cancel Culture Breeds A Private & Anonymous Future

Social media creates echo chambers that force our ideas underground.

Doug Antin
Digital Diplomacy


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The internet and the invention of social media apps have created digital echo chambers that breed cancel culture. Our addiction to consuming digital media and status signaling has created an environment where we focus on outrage and bring out the worst in one another. Combined with the 24-hour news cycle, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest outrage and lose sight of humanity’s progress.

There can be no doubt that our modern society still has systemic issues and problems that must be addressed. But as a general rule, things are better today than they were 10 years ago.

Despite this progress, we tend to lose sight of this positive momentum in the echo chambers of social media. In this environment, outrage is amplified at viral rates. Negative news catches on and moves quickly through large populations.

Despite societal progress, we regularly see a push to punish past actions based on the popular beliefs of the time. Individuals whose beliefs fall outside of the mainstream thought are frequently subjected to retroactive punishment characteristic of a cancel culture.

