The Future of Professional Sports

How major league sports can use technology to survive and thrive in a post-pandemic world

Doug Antin
Memos Of The Future


Photo by Matt Lee on Unsplash

The pandemic lockdown has me thinking a lot about the state of major league sports. It’s an industry that overwhelmingly relies upon in-person event revenue to survive. It’s ripe for disruption. But will this global pandemic finally bring significant change to the industry?

This year is an asterisk for the record books. Hell, it’s an asterisk for everyone. Regardless of the challenges, leagues should embrace the moment and make the most of it.

Technology has come a long way since the inception of sports. Now more than ever, competitive leagues produce made for TV events. Yet they are still forced to shut down in the face of the global outbreak.

Like most businesses, leagues cannot afford to drop all revenue. To close up operations and shelter in place shows a lack of creativity. So what are leagues doing and what can they be doing to survive in an attention-based economy?

In this essay, you will learn about how leagues are adapting to the new normal. This includes a summary of tech trends that will impact sports, initiatives leagues should implement now, and business models leagues can adopt to maintain resiliency and thrive in the…

