Are You Prepared for a Prolonged Power Blackout?

Dan Vale
2 min readMay 4, 2022


The residents of the East Village in New York City were not prepared when Hurricane Sandy roared through. Many residents were lining up for their turn at dumpster diving. This article will discuss how you can be better prepared.

If electrical power is out, perishable foods are in danger of becoming non-edible. Thus, it is a good idea to have canned meats, canned fruits, and canned vegetables on hand. Since there will be no power for electrical can openers, you would do well to have an old fashioned can opener available.

You should stock plenty of food before a power blackout. During the blackout food prices will increase, and there will be many empty shelves at the supermarket. Also, unprepared friends, neighbors, and relatives might want you to help them.

If there is no electrical power, there will be no way to operate credit and debit card machines. Thus, you would do well to have cash on hand before there is a cash run on your bank.

Gas station pumps run on electricity. Since you probably do not like long lines at the gas pumps, you should always have your gas tank at least half full. At the first sign of something that could cause a possible power blackout, you should fill up your gas tank before there are long lines. That way you can avoid your gas station possibly running out of gas before it is your turn in line.

During a power blackout, battery operated lanterns are better than candles, especially outside. Have on hand a good supply of batteries and a battery tester so you do not replace good batteries because just one battery is not charged anymore.

To minimize the chance of fire, use only thick, short candles in a pan of water. Also, you should have fire extinguishers and smoke alarms in your house or apartment.

It would be good for you to have a flashlight for every member of your household. Doing so will minimize the chances of accidental injuries in the dark. You also should have a first aid kit available.

During an energy blackout, electronic forms of entertainment will not be available. To avoid stressful boredom, have available old-fashioned board games to entertain your family. You can buy many such board games very cheaply at thrift stores.

Humans have prepped for centuries and only recently have gotten away from it. As Proverbs 27:12 reads, “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.”

My book has additional ways to prepare for disasters.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

