Exercise Will Help You to Age More Vigorously

Dan Vale
2 min readAug 11, 2022


You would like to live your life vigorously until the day of your death. Unfortunately, too many people spend their last years or even decades in poor health. That is not the ideal way to spend the “golden years” of retirement.

How does exercise minimize the chances of poor health in old age? That is what this article will discuss.

Older people have a greater chance of suffering from medical conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. If you have a consistent aerobic exercise program, these medical conditions will be less likely to befall you.

Older people often have frail muscles and bones. Frail muscles make them less active and frail bones make them more likely to suffer injuries such as broken hips if they fall. If you have a consistent exercise program that develops strength and strong bones, such as with a weight training program, you will be less likely to suffer from such medical conditions.

Older people often become less coordinated in old age and are more likely to fall. If you have a consistent exercise program, you will retain much of your coordination and be less likely to fall.

Older people often become less flexible in old age. Thus, they are more likely to pull muscles or to fall. If you have a consistent stretching program, you will be less likely to suffer from pulled muscles or falls.

Ponder this thought. Would you rather be dancing joyously in old age or sitting on the sidelines watching others dance? Would you rather be able to do many of the things you did when you were younger, or would you be content to sit in a rocking chair most of your remaining days?

You do not have to wait until your retirement years to reap the benefits of exercise. Exercise produces endorphins that make you feel good. Exercise also improves your physical appearance, and who does not like compliments?

My book has a lot of good information about exercise.

Do you exercise consistently? Why or why not?

Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash

