Here Are Some Ways That Criminals Choose Their Victims III

Dan Vale
2 min readApr 19, 2024


A criminal wants his crime to have a low risk and to pay as well as possible. To him, a good victim is one who has low self-awareness and a lot of money. If he sees you using an ATM, or shopping for expensive items, he will be encouraged to rob you. This article will discuss your need for awareness and maybe for evasion when and shortly after visiting an ATM or a shopping center.

These precautions are especially relevant if you live in a big city. For those of you who live in small, rural communities, however, you can be robbed, especially if you visit a big city with your small, rural community safety habits.

After leaving an ATM, circle the block at least once. If a car behind you does the circle with you, you are probably being followed.

If you are being followed, do not drive straight to your home, or to your motel, if you are traveling. A criminal might even follow you home or to your motel to rob you there. Pull over and let him pass, or you can stop at a shopping center for a while.

While there, be careful if you shop for expensive items. You could be followed by a different criminal at the shopping center who is looking for anyone with a lack of self-awareness and with the money to buy expensive items.

If you still are being followed, try to get the license number of the following car and drive to a police station or find a police patrol car.

This article is a follow up to the first and second articles on this topic. It is a shame that law abiding citizens must be so vigilant, but not everyone abides by the commandment, “Thou shalt not steal.”

My fourth article focuses mainly on simple ways to safely avoid street crime.

We should keep in mind the words of Benjamin Franklin, who said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Have you ever had an experience in which your vigilance enabled you to avoid becoming a crime victim? Please comment.

Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash

