How You Can Avoid Becoming Overheated During a Power Blackout

Dan Vale
2 min readApr 28, 2022


Now, with summer approaching, there will be hot days ahead. If, however, you are not able to operate your air conditioner or refrigerator, how will you stay cool? Becoming overheated can become more than just being uncomfortable. Becoming overheated can lead to heat related emergencies such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.

If you have a portable or, better yet, a whole house generator, it will be much easier to stay cool in a power blackout during a heat wave. The generator will supply electricity to keep your air conditioner and refrigerator running.

Without an electrical generator, there are still many ways to keep from being overheated. If, for example, the area of the power blackout is not widespread, you might be able to stay with a friend or relative with power until your power is restored.

A temporary relief from the heat can come from staying inside of your car with its air conditioner running. You should always have your gas tank at least half full.

There also are cooling centers that are set up to help those in danger of hyperthermia. You would do well to know the location of these centers. They might fill up fast and soon have no more room.

If you live in a multilevel house, the lower levels, especially the basement, will be cooler. Even staying close to the floor will be cooler than standing. You also can use heavy drapes to block the sun and the heat it brings to the house.

Having hand fans or battery-operated fans will allow you to cool your body somewhat. Good in coordination with the fans would be mist bottles that moisturize your skin. When the water evaporates, it cools the skin.

Staying hydrated is important. It is even better if there is some way to cool the liquid you drink.

Body movement generates heat. Thus, moving less will keep you cooler.

If, however, you must go outside, use an umbrella to shade your body from the sun. Also, wear natural fabrics such as cotton and linen. These natural fabrics allow heat to escape from the body more easily than synthetic fabrics like acrylic and nylon.

The very young and very old are more at risk for heat related emergencies. Look after them as you also look after yourself.

As an anonymous person once remarked, “Happiness is a day at the pool.”

Do you have any additional tips for staying cool?

Photo by Tandem X Visuals on Unsplash

