November is National Career Development Month

Dan Vale
2 min readNov 2, 2022


You will spend up to one half of your waking hours in your career activities. How happy you are during the hours you spend in your career activities will affect how happy you are during the other hours of your life. Considering how important it is to be happy in your career, have you spent enough time and effort to make that happen? As Mary Angelou said, “Nothing will work unless you do.”

November is National Career Development Month. What better time is there for you to begin or to increase your efforts to nurture your career? This article will help you to do that.

There are many internet sites that will help you to nurture your career. This article will have many links to those sites. Just as you would not eat every food in a cafeteria, you probably will not feel the need to study all the information at all these web sites.

Young people might want help deciding upon a career. Career tests and Career Counselors can be helpful. Personal values, unfortunately, sometimes are overlooked by young people when they decide upon a career. .The Occupational Outlook Handbook has important information about different jobs. Know that there are certain skills that are helpful in any career. Know also that embracing lifelong learning will be beneficial to your career. If you show great promise, you might be blessed to attract a mentor.

If you are in mid-career, you might be considering a management position, or a career change. You also might be considering how much career risk or career mobility you want to try.

If you are a senior employee, you might be concerned with different types of issues. It might be important for you to avoid age discrimination. You might want to consider an encore career, especially if “giving back” is important to you. Volunteering could be an option you will consider. Most seniors will find the AARP web site helpful.

The web sites cited above are just a small fraction of useful career information available on the internet. This article will give you even more useful web sites. Keep in mind Proverbs 15:22 that reads, “Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed.”

What stage of your career are you in? What advice can you pass along?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

