Over Which Performance Evaluation Factors Do You Have the Most Control?

Dan Vale
2 min readAug 19, 2023


Performance evaluations are important. Deficient performance evaluations can result in job terminations and/or poor employer recommendations when a person is seeking another job. Superior performance evaluations can result in bonuses, promotions, and good employer recommendations when a person is seeking another job.

Some performance evaluation factors might never be too much under your control. Other performance evaluation factors eventually may be somewhat more under your control. Still other performance evaluation factors usually are immediately under your control. To better understand these differences, read on.

Evaluation factors such as analytical skills, judgement, and problem solving might not be as much under your control as other evaluation factors we will consider. This is especially true at the beginning of your career or when you start a new job. As with the other evaluation factors we will consider, the skills of your co-workers compared to your skills also are important.

Some evaluation factors eventually might be somewhat more under your control. You eventually will learn more about your job, your co-workers, and your career field. With this increased knowledge, you probably will become more adaptable and skilled at cooperating with your co-workers. As you age and gain more experience, your leadership skills probably will improve. Your oral and written communications also probably will improve with age.

Now, let us consider young persons who have just been hired for new jobs. What are the performance evaluation factors over which they have some control? Good attendance and punctuality are important and achievable, even for a young person new to a job. Good personal appearance also is achievable and important. Having a good attitude toward customers is a large part of good customer service. Those who are starting a new job, and especially young people, should pay close attention during new job orientation programs.

Job evaluations are important because, as Tom Rath said, “When we look at what has the strongest statistical relationship to overall evaluation of your life, the first one is your career well-being, or the mission, purpose and meaning of what you’re doing when you wake up each day.”

What are your feelings about performance evaluations?

My book can give you much more detail regarding career choice and good performance in it.

Photo by The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash

