There are Many Ways to Help a Caregiver

Dan Vale
2 min readNov 19, 2023


Caregiving can be very stressful. One way to ease these stresses is to convince others to help. This article will discuss some of the specific ways that different people can be of help and how to motivate them to help.

What are examples some of these different types of people? To care for older loved ones, these helpers might be grandchildren, children, sisters, brothers, or friends.

What are examples of how one or more of the grandchildren might be of help? Give them a weekly allowance and have them:

1) mow the lawn.

2) shovel snow from the sidewalk.

3) wash and fold clothes.

4) clean house.

5) do the dinner dishes once a day.

They can draw their allowance while they are being trained. These activities also help to establish a work ethic in the grandchildren.

How might adults, who can drive, help with caregiving? They can:

1) do the grocery shopping.

2) pick up prescriptions.

3) make dinners that can be refrigerated and heated later.

4) Take the car to be serviced.

5) Do minor maintenance tasks around the home.

One way to increase the chances of getting help is to ask for help that uses the skills of the helper. Someone who enjoys cooking, for example, could cook the meals that are refrigerated and quickly heated later. Someone who works well with tools might be willing to do minor maintenance tasks around the home. Someone who is well off financially might be willing to help with some of the caregiving expenses.

There are some caregiving tasks you should do yourself. One such example is accompanying loved ones to doctor appointments.

Someone who is serious about their faith can be reminded of Matthew 25:40, that reads, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did it for Me.”

Are you a caregiver? Do you have help from others? How did you get this help?

Photo by Andrew Taylor on Unsplash

