The Dawn of ATX DAO

4 min readOct 11, 2021


“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.”Jean Vanier

The idea behind ATX DAO was born out of one simple desire — longing for a crypto community.

As a small group of fervent crypto enthusiasts new to Austin, we eagerly looked for a community that shared the same passion we have for crypto. A group of individuals who are deeply ingrained in the industry and are fully committed to pushing the space forward. We yearned for other crypto junkies that we could hang out with, share ideas, experiment and simply have fun with. However, after several weeks of failed attempts, it became obvious that Austin didn’t have such a community. So we decided to create our own.

A couple days later, ATX DAO was born.

Sadly, back then our DAO consisted of 7 dudes that would meet up every Thursday to talk about the next greatest NFT mint or the hottest yield farming opportunity. In order to fix this disappointing situation, we thought a good first step would be to organize a simple happy hour to determine if there was enough interest to fully commit to launching a DAO.

Our first unofficial meeting took place at Lazarus. With zero expectation on the outcome, we invited everyone we knew that was remotely interested in the space. To our surprise, our half-assed event exceeded all our expectations. Over 20 people from all industries and backgrounds showed up ready to talk about crypto for hours. A small victory that quickly snowballed into something we never fathomed.

To take full advantage of the momentum generated during our first meet up, we decided to organize a more upscale event as a way to introduce ATX DAO to the world. This time around the attendance was astonishing. Over 100+ crypto enthusiasts and professionals came together for a night of crypto talk, drinks and overall fun. The event’s success confirmed that Austin is in dire need for a stellar crypto organization and gave us a hopeful glimpse into what ATX DAO could become.

Why do we bring this up?

After two successful events, the concept of ATX DAO went from idea to reality. We quickly realized we had the opportunity to build a first class crypto organization that can have a lasting impact in the city. Naturally, our ambition for what the DAO could be grew exponentially to the point where it became clear it would take more than 7 crypto guys to fully carry out the vision of the organization.

In short, we want ATX DAO to be analogous to crypto in Austin. Whether it be advising the governor’s office on new crypto legislation or helping a local artist launch their own NFT series, we strive to become the reference for all things crypto related in the city. And the only way we can achieve such a lofty goal is by establishing and nourishing a passionate community of crypto professionals that can serve as the foundation of ATX DAO.

ATX DAO Membership

In our journey towards becoming the go to crypto network in Austin, we are planning on formalizing our membership base. Our goal is to find those individuals in the community who are willing to put in the work to become part of the founding cohort of the organization and help shape the future of ATX DAO. As a first step, we will be releasing 25 NFTs that will represent membership and governance rights in the DAO. This set will be considered Edition 1 NFTs with subsequent Editions coming later on as the organization matures. Initially, the rationale behind the small number of members is so we are able to establish close relationships with one another in order to maximize our ability to build the organization from the ground up.

As a way to bootstrap the DAO’s initial treasury, we are planning on selling each NFT for .512 ETH (if you don’t get this reference, then you’re definitely NGMI). All the funds gathered in the initial minting will be directed back to our members in form of private events, networking sessions, exclusive Discord channels and, of course, a box of ATX DAO merch. As we grow the DAO, the events, networking group, and collaborations with Austin creators/builders and other city DAOs will become exclusive to ATX DAO members. As the DAO continues to scale and offer more benefits, the earlier Editions will be given higher consideration as a way to reward members who’ve stuck with us from day one.

Lastly, if you’ve managed to get this far and are ready to get your hands dirty building Austin’s premier crypto organization then we’d love for you to join us in this journey. We promise to make it worth your while.

