Daoning Zhou
1 min readAug 28, 2016


Thank you for the insight on how to use trigger warnings in classrooms!

I’m reading through the NCAC report and I was wondering if you could help shed some additional insight.

  1. 7.5% of survey participants reported that students had initiated efforts to require TW on campus (although across the ideological spectrum). Are students using TW as a caution sign as well? Concern is that this is related to censorship of ideas for being triggering, as well as cancellation of speakers on controversial topics. It’s not the same thing as TW but it’s often grouped together under the same umbrella — should it be?
  2. This concern is echoed by educators, with 45% believing that TW have/will negatively affect classroom dynamics and 62% believing that TW have/will negatively affect academic freedom. Should we be concerned? If not, what are your thoughts on what is causing this negative perception of TW and how could educators be persuaded to use them (if they should be persuaded)?

Thanks for reading

