5 min readFeb 27, 2022

A call to action: it’s time for DAOscord

It’s time for DAOscord ✊

For too long the wider web3 community has stood idly by and let scammers & security breaches undermine and hinder our progress. Security fud is at all time high: every day multiple large discord servers are declared compromised, and communities fall victim to the same scams over, and over again. It’s time for us all to step up. It’s time for DAOscord.

DAOscord is a community run DAO for web3 enthusiasts who believe more must be done to defend our ecosystem against scams & hacks that people fall prey to every day.


For better or worse, discord has become the de facto community management platform in web3, and for NFT communities in particular. While discord has clear advantages over other platforms, it’s feature set has yet to address many of the common scams and socially engineered server take-overs that plague the NFT landscape on an ongoing basis.

Case in point: on Saturday 26th February the Doodles official discord was compromised, and a false mint link was posted in their #news-stand channel.

Sickening 🤡

We estimate that scams and security breaches have drained $100m+ of liquidity out of the NFT ecosystem in the last few months alone.

Solving the rampant scams by bad actors in the web3 space requires more than feature roll-outs from discord, it requires community education and a force of people who care. That’s where DAOscord comes in.

DAOscord launch

DAOscord is stealth launching in early March. You can join DAOscord by either minting a DAOscord NFT on our website here, or purchasing one on the secondary market. You will require a DAOscord NFT in order to access the holder-only channels in our community run discord server, and to cast votes on community matters.

DAOscord name & art

While DAOscord’s name & art has been inspired by a brand you may be familiar with 😉 we have made thoughtful alterations to ensure our name & art does not infringe on any other existing IP.

Our artist is a full-time creative professional and has lovingly crafted over 200 traits for DAOscord members to enjoy.

Such handsome DAOscords 😎

DAOscord rarity distribution & embedded rarity scores

Whilst DAOscord is not about securing the rarest PFP possible, we know rarity IS important and so we’ve been mindful about trait % distribution.

To make things more interesting for our community, our rarity distribution curve is non-standard. This flips the typical NFT narrative on it’s head to an extent, and makes even fairly common DAOscord PFPs quite rare.

At the time of writing this article, our rarity distribution curve looks something like this:

Looks rare 👀

As you can see, only 15 NFTs will have the lowest possible rarity scores.

We’ve gone one step further to make things easy for the community, by embedding our rarity scores directly in OpenSea as you can see here:

^ Rarity Score 96 baby 📈

DAOscord plans & operations

While all DAOscord plans & operations will ultimately be decided by the community, the anonymous founding team’s initial proposal is for the community to collectively assemble content, guides and other helpful resources for both individuals and other web3 communities.

This content will be aimed at raising awareness around common scams, hacks, and social engineering tricks that are used by bad actors to gain access to discord servers.

We also propose to create a real-time announcement or early-warning feed, run by appointed community members, calling out compromised servers, and linking this from our discord to our twitter. This will act as a modern day air-raid siren for everyone in the NFT ecosystem, making sure news and updates about compromised servers travels FAST.

DAOscord membership

Being a DAOscord member means more than holding the NFT and contributing to the community. It means being recognised by other communities as someone who does the right thing, who reports bad actors, and who plays an active role in protecting others.

What is a lean DAO / DAOscord voting

A lean DAO is a DAO that isn’t encumbered by long, clunky processes and gas transactions for voting. DAO members are identified through token ownership and will carry a corresponding number of casting votes based on the number of DAOscord NFTs that they hold. Voting will be gasless and carried out directly in our discord server for maximum efficiency.

DAOscord v1 voting sample

Here’s what we mean:

Every vote counts 🗳️

As you can see, the # of votes casted will correspond to the # of DAOscord NFTs held in the voter’s wallet at the time of voting.

Should the community decide it, we can replace Collab Land with a custom-built bot that will perform similar functionality: checking the number of DAOscord NFTs held in a voter’s wallet at the time of voting on DAO matters.

Price & funds

We’ve chosen to make DAOscord as accessible of a mint as possible, at 0.0175 ETH per NFT.

➤ 10% of mint funds will kickstart the community treasury.

➤ 10% of mint funds will be ringfenced to used for charitable purposes: reimbursing verified scam victims as voted on & as decided by the community.

➤ Remaining mint funds will be used to immediately remunerate founding contributors.

➤ 100% of secondary market royalties (6.5% on OS) will be allocated to the community treasury.

Contact us

Like what you’ve read? Want to be part of our mission? Find us in our discord and contribute. Together we can make a difference.

DAOscord out ✊



DAOscord is a community run DAO for web3 enthusiasts who believe in defending our ecosystem against hacks and scams that people fall prey to every day.